Not So Fast

Fortuna Minor + Rubeus → Laetitia (12)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 11th December 2022

This year Yule falls on the 21st December at 21:48 UT/GMT. All being well I will be taking the annual ‘Last and First’ photos bracketing that time. That means I will take a photograph of sunset on the 21st (the last sun of the solar year) and then another of the sunrise of 22nd (the first sun of the new solar year).

I’ll post them on here shortly after. If you would like to take part and send me your Last and First photos I’ll post them here for everyone to see. You will need to find out exactly when sunset and sunrise are for your location as it will vary with latitude. Here in Bristol the sun will set at 16:03 and rise at 08:13.

You can see our previous years photos Here, Here and Here.


Fortuna Minor is in the 12th house (Scorpio). It seems that clearing something up is an important theme this week. Maybe it is because you want ‘to get the bull down’ (complete a last-minute rush of work ahead of the Christmas break) or perhaps things have been on your mind—and your job list—for so long. Either way, this is a good time to get rid of them.

You seem to know what needs doing and saying, but the Pars gives some useful advice here…

The Pars Solar suggests that you should not follow your first instinct in difficult decisions. The right path will be similar to your first instinct but likely have a slight or subtle twist to it. You will benefit in a number of ways by pausing before pronouncing judgement. You are likely to find that a little tweak, a small change in the arrangements makes things work out better.

Rubeus is in the 11th house (Libra) and indicates that later in the week you will be able to bring considerable force to the choices and decisions which need to be made.

This is an application of the Pars’s advice, really. It says that part of your power will lie in not making snap decisions. Some choices might not be easy and they will need all the skill you can devote to them to settle matters.

You will find that taking the long-term view and the broadest picture for everyone’s benefit will turn out best for you. Sometimes these tough decisions need to be made.


Not so fast, Svklimkin, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (12) in the 10th house (Virgo). The consolation you will feel for doing the unhurried, carefully considered, not-first-instinct thing is likely to be two-fold. You may not see it outwardly at first but you will gain the respect of those affected. They will know the situation was not easy.

The second consolation will be a growing inner sense that you made the right choice.

Slowly you will nestle in and know you did the right thing.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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