The Casting has a lovely, simple, single line flow to it this week. It starts with a wider outside influence and works downward and inward. Somewhat unusually the interpretation will therefore start with the Pars.
The Pars Luna is in the 11th house (Virgo). It cautions that what you see as a duty to your wider interests must not be allowed to take up too much of your time. It would be easy to get side-tracked or, more likely, drawn into doing more than you feel you should because others keep on asking. Their demands would never end. The key then is to do your duty and fulfil your obligations as you see fit, not as others would wish it. In a perfect world you’d do it all. But we don’t live in a perfect world and actions need to be balanced.
Populus in the 9th house (Cancer) indicates that you might be having thoughts of both home and abroad this week. (Just so you know, this would be a very good time to go on, or plan, a trip over water.)
This is also a good time to make connections with faraway people(s). The connection could be practical or emotional, mental or spiritual, the important thing is to make use of the time to connect. There will be so many areas in which you can do so! Whichever way it is likely to be easy and smoothly flowing.
Albus in the 7th house (Taurus) shows that as the week progresses the major beneficial exchanges with others are going to be closer to home and will narrow to mental and emotional interactions.
(A way to understand these two geomes and Flow is to remember: Love the world at the start of the week, but then narrow it down to ‘up close and personal’ as the week progresses.)
This second influence will allow you to be more than simply present in your relationships. There is a need and an ability to share knowledge and wisdom on all sides. In some cases this may require patience to start off the process if it does not come easily—but it will be worth persisting.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Albus (1234) in the 5th house (Pisces). This indicates that if everyone meets in a spirit of goodwill then relationships and friendships can deepen in ways which are as rich and varied as they are deep.
The boundaries between you may never be the same again.
Their depth and worth could be beyond anything you hoped for or expected.
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Thank you.
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