Close The Oven Door

Acquisitio + Via → Puella (24)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 27th December 2020

Happy New Solar Year, everyone!

Well, we went out to witness ‘Last and First’ last week for the Winter Solstice. It will surprise nobody in the UK to know that the rain clouds hid the sun. That said, we were there to witness the moment of sunset and then, next day, sunrise:

Last sunset of solar year 2020


First sunrise of solar year 2021

(I posted full details out to everyone who has registered here. To make sure you get full details in future register now. I’ll send you the four free PDFs teaching you the basics of the Astrogem reading method. In the occasional newsletters I also share details of events and insights that I don’t share here on the blog.)

Mary Alice, one of the Astrogemanti, was able to capture this beautiful picture of the first sunrise of the New Year however:

Mary Alice G., First sunrise of the New Year, El Mirador beach, Sonora, Mexico

Thank you Mary Alice! Maybe next year for us in the UK…



Acquisitio in the fifth house (Aries) suggests that you might be open to taking a chance on something. Given the square aspect here you probably need to think twice about whatever it is though! Perhaps you are feeling impatient with the current situation or perhaps others are trying to rush you. Either way you would be best advised to resist the pressure and to wait until you feel the time is right for you.

This placement suggests another useful interpretation, too. It suggests that you need to be cautious and avoid being taken advantage of. Specifically, watch out the people who are good at talking but who do not appreciate the necessary work involved in their suggestions. Particularly, avoid those people who do not reciprocate your efforts. The warning sign to look out for here is if the effort seems to be largely all one way.

Via in the eighth house (Cancer) shows that later in the week new areas of insight open up for you. You will be able to more clearly see how to build on what is good—and to consequently to discard what is not good.

Sift what is in front of you carefully. What is good and wholesome should be clear to you. If it is vague and uncertain then put it to one side. You have developed sufficient perception at this stage to know the difference. What is good, right and proper will be obvious to you. If it’s not obvious, it’s not right.

Clear the decks. Decide, commit and shut the door.

The Pars Jovii this week is in the 10th house (Virgo). This builds on the previous point: do not try to be too accommodating. You make the decisions! It will be up to you to set the limits.

Whilst it is generally useful and important to keep an open mind there are times when you have to decide that enough is enough. You can’t bake a cake if you leave the oven door open!

Close the oven door, Louis Hansel, Unsplash, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Amissio (24) in the 11th house (Libra). This shows that what you are doing (or intending to do) is broadly correct. Watch carefully then if others try to change your mind. There will likely try to show their idea for a much rosier, well-balanced and fairer outcome… at least as far as they are concerned!

But your plans should work towards the results you want. It’s your approach, so it should be your results.

A different result may suit others slightly better, but are they prepared to put in the work to make it happen?

Don’t listen to critics who want a result without putting in the effort!

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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