Yet again the first house features in the Casting! While last week’s Casting indicated ‘fullness’ of the process, this week Flow seems to be offering the way forward after the completion. It suggests that you cannot stop once you reach the end result of your deliberations. Now they need to be put into action.
Amissio in the 1st house (Libra) indicates that your focus at the start of the week will be on how to make things happen. This may be related to the mechanism itself or to who and when would be best to carry things forward.
It seems that some options, decisions and actions are still being considered. It seems, too, that you are still trying to balance something but the factors are still not meshing together for some reason.
Underneath all that you sense that something is still missing. It seems now that you need a clear way forward.
Acquisitio in the 10th house (Cancer) gives a very clear indication of what that is and where to look for it. Bear in mind, however, that looking is not the same as seeing. If you want really to look you will have to accept that the view may not be either what you had quite hoped for or be something that you will find easy… Plans need to expand properly to reach your true goals.
Later in the week you should experience the shift in Flow. What you are likely to see is that seeking harmony in your decisions is one thing, but finding a good fit is quite another.
The Pars Venusii is in the 4th house (Capricorn) reinforces the idea that a change of approach is needed. It shows that old experience is useful, but not if it stops you from getting new and more useful experience.
Old answers will not solve new problems. The reverse of a preferred approach needs to be reflected upon, just like a mirror.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Via (13) in the 7th house (Aries). Flow here is indicating that—again—others may prove to be helpful for your forward movement. A male influence—probably younger than you—may prove helpful.
Seek out new, young ideas of things to try and new ways of working. After all, doing more of what is not working, whether that is thoughts or actions, won’t help.
Old approaches are of little help. If these were useful then matters would have resolved themselves by now.
It is not possible to force something to fit or to work which has failed before. You must let go of one thing in order to grasp something else.
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