How Intense Feelings Make Warm And Strong Connections

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, September, 2016, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Acquisitio + Via → Amissio (24)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 11th September 2016


The trine between the geomes this week opens some wonderful opportunities for communicating with others. This can be clearly seen from the fact that the geomes all rest in Water signs, starting with the seventh house Pisces.

Acquisitio here will provide you with the ability to close down the distractions from outside, allowing you to focus much more on your emotional nature. This is likely to show in your increasing need to push out and grow in some way. Your somewhat mystical and dreamy ideas are likely to become increasingly honed as separate interests merge to become wants, and wants become desires.

This will be a time to go with your innate reactions. (This is not quite the same as intuition. On this occasion you need to go with the feeling of rightness of your own emotions and desires rather than, shall we say, something unexpected from outside.)

As you go through the week you will find that your thoughts and actions turn much more to expressing themselves towards other people. (All right, just that one person, if you must! *wink*)

You are also likely to find new ideas and ways of working with others. As the week progresses there will be increasing opportunities to make it easy for them to work with you, too.

Via in the third house (Scorpio) should make it easy for you to explore this deeper connection with them particularly if you already have some common ground.

Feelings could become particularly intense in relation to family matters, too. Use the Flow positively and focus on what’s good and overlook the ‘not so good’ for the moment. Have faith that things will work out. This is a time to show your compassion and sensitivity. Do that, and it is likely to be returned in bucket loads.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Amissio (24) in the 11th house (Cancer). This shows that, if you let them, feelings could become pretty intense, hopefully without becoming completely distracting. Whilst this doesn’t necessarily indicate romance, it doesn’t rule it out either. Most of the time this will be expressed much more as simply deep emotion.

The thing that’s most likely driving all this inside you, as indicated by the pars Jovii, is your need for inner growth. So you’ll find that by showing a little more of your hand they will show a little more of theirs. Show a bit more again and they are likely to do so too. In a word, things could escalate quite nicely.


Baby CC0

Baby [CC0]

If you are more concerned with simply connecting with others then you will find this a very useful time to reconsider, reframe and regroup your thoughts and feelings to consider how best you can be ‘enriching’. Take new ideas and opinions and test them out. Testing things rather than going at it full tilt doesn’t mean you will be seen as critical. Rather it shows you as someone willing to have a go and try new things. (You should always try new things when you get the chance. That’s ‘The 66% rule’.)

Use the resources you have and ally them with resources others.

If you are using the Active Transform fully to your advantage you will find you have fertile ground all around you at the moment. Seize the day. Use it to your full advantage.


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Thank you.


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