Growth Through Goodness

Fortuna Major + Cauda Draconis → Puer (34)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 19th January 2020

Fortuna Major in the seventh house (Cancer) shows that this is a time for friendly cooperation with others. It is a time when thoughts and plans can progress seemingly effortlessly. The trine aspect can make everything smoothly flowing. But it needs to be balanced with a mild cautionary note: just because something is easy doesn’t mean it is right or best for you!

The people you need to connect with will be warm, comforting and, most importantly, understanding. They share your ideas and ideals.

The Pars Solii in the fifth house (Taurus) underlines this. There is the potential for lots of friendly contact this week. It shows that being social is fine, but don’t let it distract you from your real friends. You’ll need to make a distinction between friendly and friend. ‘Friendly’ can distract. ‘Friend’ progresses.

Your real friends and the people who will best help you in your journey this week will not just be social, they will be connected to you.

Cauda Draconis in the 11th house (Scorpio) shows that you need to capitalise on your closeness with, and to, others. This closeness should spring from common understanding and an almost family-like understanding and approach to the world. These deeper friendships will help you identify and reach towards a reawakening. They can be a reaffirming and solidifying force in your life. You know who your friends are, and so do they. It’s time to renew and refresh that relationship.

Growing with friends, Chang Duong, Unsplash (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Puer (34) in the third house (Pisces). A Martian influence in Pisces can sometimes be difficult to interpret, particularly in a trine aspect… How do Fire and Water mix beneficially? The new Taps in the Active Transform interpreted in the light of the third house make the direction of Flow clear, however.

This is a time to do and to start out on new ventures with those with whom you are deeply connected. Make smaller local changes and you will find matters moving your way.

In connecting with others as you do so you are not simply being social and it doesn’t mean there won’t be differences of opinion. But differences between friends are meant constructively, not destructively. Suggestions from deep friends is advice, not disagreement.

It seeks to bolster not to block.

It seeks to bond.

Strike while the iron is hot and be confident of the next few steps.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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