Populus in the 3rd house (Aries) is an emotionally charged placement, it has to be said. Lots of energy and emotions are likely to be swirling around this week. One of the causes of this could be associated with something you want to bring to a conclusion. In truth, however, it is more likely that it won’t be the end of the matter but rather the beginning of the end of it. After this there is ‘what comes afterwards’.
Another way of looking at this is that you want to get started with the distinct next phase of what you’re working on. It seems that someone is keen to make a splash and get noticed!
Conjunctio in the 4th house (Taurus) is an interesting next part of Flow. While not exactly bringing things to a stop it does bring matters to a much more plodding pace. Is it that the first energy wears off or, more likely, that some challenges start to crop up which slow the overall progress? The placement would not suggest that anyone is doing this deliberately, rather it’s likely that you might just be running into resistance from ‘the system’.
Some might uncharitably suggest that this resistance should have been foreseen, but that would be unkind. Sometimes we can only see the full extent of the issues once we start working on something. A surgeon or a car mechanic can sometimes only really see what the problem is once they open things up and take a look at what’s actually going on inside.
The word to the wise then would be to prepare for anything before starting out. The mechanic and the surgeon each have the skills, training and tools/resources needed to face almost any situation in advance. Energy and enthusiasm are great but, in two words, plan ahead.
The Pars Luna is in the 12th house (Capricorn) and importantly counsels you that you need to keep any doubts in check. Use your energy to move forward rather than battling your worries. Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off the goal. Keep the goal in mind and let it pull you forward.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio in the 5th house (Gemini). If you meet any resistance your best way forward will be to look for unexplored gaps or cracks in anything blocking you. These chinks will not be seen until you get up close so it pays to keep a steady course forward until they become visible.
Some ways of dealing with problems will be easier than others this week. Some ways may be more chancy or quicker or slower.
This is good news if you think about it. What it indicates is that there will be more than one way to skin a cat and that several ways forward exist, even if they do take a bit of rooting out. It will then be up to you to decide which way you think is best.
There was one Rogue this week: Laetitia in the 7th house (Leo). Unexpected help and goodwill from others will provide you with emotional support. While you are dealing with the big picture make sure you don’t miss those small acts of kindness which come your way.
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