A Wave Of Imagination

Albus + Amissio → Laetitia (3)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 7th July 2019

This is a time for turning your thoughts, your imagination and your wisdom into fruitful action for yourself.

Albus in the ninth house (Aquarius) is very much concerned with the wisdom of your thoughts. Specifically, you will begin to see this week that your experience and lessons learned about the world begin to come together in new and important ways. It’s as though you are witnessing wisdom being born.

Patterns begin to emerge and you can expect several ‘Aha!’ moments.

Understanding just seems to flash into your mind as intuitive links are made.

The reason that this is happening now can be seen from the Pars Mercurii in the second house (Cancer). The more you have the desire to nurture feelings and bring them harmoniously under a single roof, then the more they jostle and stir until — suddenly — they all fit together. It is the combination of preparedness and openness which allows the intuition to flow through your mind and heart.

Amissio in the 10th house (Pisces) then shows that Flow goes through a remarkable transformation. This transformation takes place in two parts.

The first part will happen on its own: the wisdom which blossoms in your mind will be creative without doubt. The challenge for you, however, will be to make the wisdom practical and useful to yourself.

The wisdom you are about to acquire may be emotionally satisfying, but on its own it will remain sterile if it is not given purpose.

The second part of the transformation therefore requires input from you. You need to give your new learning your own unique spin. You need to apply it to your own needs, wants and circumstances.

You are being offered a gift. If you accept it and do nothing with it, it might as well be an ornament for all the good it will do.

By taking the inspiration and giving it the ‘you-treatment’ you will allow this magnificent wave to multiply in its diversity and power.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (3) in the 10th house (Aries). This is a beautiful continuation of Flow.

Truly, here you can give birth to new ideas, new connections and be an inspiration to others.

Your ideas will not only be fresh and new, they will also be backed by an underlying understanding of others and a depth of connection.

This is a time when you really can surf the big idea.

A wave of imagination, Tim Marshall, Unsplash, (CC0)

You really can make the most of this time to capitalise on Flow if you trust your wise feelings.

Do not be small or shallow.

Feel the comfort and power of the tide is it surges forward.

Be an expression of that wave lest it pass you by unsurfed.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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