A quincunx aspect between the geomes this week provides you with a very clear choice. If you are prepared you will know how to make the best of the situation. If you are not prepared then weaknesses and flaws are likely to become obvious. Others will be looking to call your bluff if you’re bluffing.
Fortuna Major in the third house (Leo) will provide you with the opportunity to make changes. These are changes that you have likely been thinking about for quite a while now. You want to seem open and friendly, engaging people in your way of doing things as much as possible — after all, you’re a nice person. What you need to be prepared for, however, is that people might be willing to agree with your proposals. What will you do then?
The Pars Soleii in the sixth house (Scorpio) suggests that you have been working a little too cautiously. Perhaps you’ve been trying to please too many people. What you are likely to find is that others are only interested in the end result and not how you got to where you are now.
So while you have been enjoying the journey and doing all the preparations, others are only interested in the final result. What you need to prepare for is when you have made your argument or offer and they look at you as much as to say “And…?” What will you say then?
Conjunctio in the 10th house (Pisces) shows that you need to be ready with an answer. Put simply, you need to have set a next step and to be very clear as to what that is.
The reason for this is simple: if you don’t set the next step then they will! Oh, they might be nice about it. And yes, it might seem reasonable. But it won’t be your step.
Know what you want and use that to set the agenda or framework for how to proceed.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Aquisitio (34) in the fifth house (Libra). At first sight, the placement of the geome associated with expansive Jupiter in the house of chance, fortune and love in such an attractive and beautiful location as Libra would suggests that all will obviously work out beautifully. It may, but that’s not the point. You just have to make sure that it works out for you!

This is the time that you need to be shrewd. It’s like playing cards. There is an interaction between you and the other players your actions/cards will cause others to react with their action/cards. Your choices affect their choices and visa versa.
Your main advantage here is in deciding what you will do (the new Taps at Level 3). Make that decision carefully. Weigh things up. Balance them out. Don’t just react — respond.
Take your time and make the best decision.
Anyone can play any card.
Play the best card.
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