Mentally you’re showing a lot of energy and your feelings may be quite headstrong in wanting to change things. You’ll need to take care that your passions don’t run away with you but they do need to have some outlet. It is right that you should be cautious given what you see as the opposition. But how much is real and how much is just in your head?
Sometimes you feel as though you just want to burst out and go a little crazy. The trick will be to find a way through or around the obstacles without blowing up while doing so.
The Pars Mercurii in the 10th house suggests you’re not only doing this to try to feel better about things now but in fact to improve your whole position in life. Considering where Flow is going this week this ‘improving your position’ could be in terms of getting your head straight and dreams in order, or of finding comfort for your heart.
Cauda Draconis in the fifth house (Cancer) points to the centre of your dilemma later in the week. Are you prepared to put yourself on the line? Will you risk your feelings? Are you prepared to make the change and put yourself out?
Because you feel the need to change so deeply you are likely to find that you are increasingly drawn to taking a chance — or, more likely, a calculated risk.
And that risk should be calculated, when either money or your feelings involved.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (23) in the eighth house (Libra). In other times you would probably take more of a chance. It might seem to both you and others that you are playing fairly safe odds at the moment.
But in the current circumstances you need to listen to the voice of prudence. Just putting the minimum stake forward might seem like a big gamble to you. But a stake is a stake.

You’re at the table. You’re playing.
Keep pushing. Take a chance, however small.
[ctt template=”5″ link=”PBAjm” via=”yes” ]Keep pushing. Take a chance, however small.[/ctt]
An inch; a look; a comment; a gesture. Whatever it is — so long as it is more than before — it’s still progress.
Keep pushing. Keep moving forward however small the step.
Take that chance.
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