This week there are some obvious similarities with last week’s Casting, but with a completely different meaning.
Given the change of sign in each house since last week there is an obvious change of direction of Flow. The geomes still present in a trine aspect. But, most curiously, the same geome is produced as an Active Transform, but from different parent geomes than those of last week! This means that while it is the same geome it will have different old and new Taps.
Puella in the 10th house (Capricorn) shows that your thoughts will be aiming towards ‘inspiring connection’ to others. It is as though you are taking your hard-earned learning and understanding and presenting it to them. It’s almost like teaching. There is an important difference though.
The knowledge you want to impart is likely to have been gained through significant effort on your part. It is likely to be world knowledge or life knowledge, if you will. That said, what you went through to get the knowledge should not be the focus of your communication. While this knowledge is a philosophy or general approach to doing better which suits you, it needs to be imparted in the right way.
Acquisitio in the fifth house (Virgo) suggests that you will need to tailor your communication to what they can understand. This has a very specific meaning… It is not simply the giving of knowledge which is important but rather translating what you know into what they can understand and accept—and use.
How you learnt and what specifically you learnt is going to be less important at the moment than passing on the general principles. It is those general rules and approaches which are going to be most useful to others. Distil down your knowledge and help them to understand.
The Pars Venusii is in the ninth house (Capricorn), conjunct with the first geome this week. It suggests that you need to release the fear of teaching. Pass on the light! As each candle takes the light of the one before it so you need have no fear of passing on your learning. Each candle picks up the flame of the one before it — the same light but a different candle. Do this thoughtfully and in deliberate awareness of the other’s difference and all will be well.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (134) in the first house (Taurus). This suggests that in your interactions with others you should seek to help them awaken.
Seek to encourage the practice and help others to do… Just as this casting is encouraging you to do.
Inspire them to consider.
Encourage them to try.
But mainly, help them to do.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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