What a raw interaction we have this week between Puer in the third (Gemini) and Puella in the eighth (Scorpio)! It’s very clear that there is a head-heart split in your efforts this week.
Puer is all about wanting to make physical changes in your local environment. You will find at the start of the week that you are still putting in a ton of effort to move things forward. It’s also likely that, given the aspect between the geomes is a Quincunx (150°), that you will find there is a lot of energy and effort but not much movement.
In fact, the lack of ‘movement’ could be significant in more ways than one. You may find travel plans disrupted this week with minor irritations and stoppages. You will need to keep your cool and not waste time with ineffective actions or on processes that aren’t yielding results.
Puer is associated with the planet Mars and hence you’ll find a lot of energy and vigour is in the air. Whilst this passion for change might be good in its way it needs to be applied in the right way.
Later in the week we see the shift to Puella and an increase in the drive to plan more strategically. You are likely to find that your thoughts shift from ‘how you do it’ to ‘why you do it’. In other words, focus more on results than on effort. And the start of this will be to focus on your interactions with others rather than simply on what you want to do.
There’s nothing wrong with what you want to do, it’s just that by putting others first your actions will set off in the right direction from the start. Just believing something is a good idea and fitting it to others later is not the way to go.
Puer in the third is very much concerned with immediate effort and results. But it’s easy to get caught up with the close-up situation in front of you and to lose sight of the overall reasons for doing it. Puella gives a timely reminder this week that you need to make a change. Change your mind and the directions of your thoughts and you’ll find your actions are more likely to bear fruit.
Take control of your Destiny
Adding the geomes gives us a very interesting geome, Conjuntctio (124):
Given that this is in the first house it is clear that we have something to learn. The new double taps at Levels 1 and 4 show that we are right to consider new ways to apply ourselves to the external world. The parent geomes had indicated we need to be less concerned with our individual, personal plans and efforts and the Active Transform confirms that it’s our outlook on the world and how we connect with it which should be our focus.
The single new tap at Level 2 shows us that if we are wise we will spend time thinking about how we think. The single old tap at Level 3 shows that we do not need to put in as much physical effort as we have been doing, but rather to make sure that our efforts were in the right direction to start with.
If you’re in the business of selling lemonade it’s not enough to have a good product. You also need to get it in front of your market. Opening a shop in the depths of the forest might not be the best place to get a lot of passing traffic! When you know better, you’ll do better.
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