Now is the time when you need to make things happen!
Puella in the 10th house (Aquarius) indicates that you’ve been thinking for a long time about how to mark your position in life.
Your thoughts have been crystallising around the trappings and appearance that you have – you want people to notice the you that you want to present. Have you been too busy thinking? Has theory, worry and planning taken over your life?
It’s very easy to draw up plans. What is harder and more painful is to put yourself out there and to have those plans tested. Without practical experimentation, however, all the thinking will be for nothing!
Puella makes a second appearance in the chart this week, this time in the third house (Cancer). The clear indication here is that you need to act! Get the information out! Let people know how you’ve changed and what changes you would like to see.
As this is in the third house I would not be surprised to find that brothers, sisters and other close family would benefit from a little of your care and concern this week. The essence, however, is to make change.
As the aspect between the two geomes is a Quincunx we can expect that you will be inclined to simply do more of what you’re already doing, but to move the emphasis to the home environment. This is not the way to go.
You may be sorely tempted to test out your ideas in friendly surroundings, but that is too safe. You need feedback. If people are to friendly and sympathetic to your views they may not be candid.
You need somewhere raw, somewhere fresh – you need to face the fire.
Take control of your Destiny
The reason you need to move away from a comfortable environment is because of the Active Transform. This week adding the geomes gives us Populus (134):
Look at what’s happening across the spread with the taps at Level 2: Two lots of double taps transforming to give too old taps: your ideas are solid and don’t need changing.
Look at the rest of the geome: Two new taps at each of the other three Levels.
Note, too, that this Active Transform is in the eighth house – this is put up or shut up time. ‘Make it work or get rid of it’, you are being told. The plans and ideas you had from the beginning now need to be expressed at all the other Levels.
This is a time of passion. This is the time to express. Many areas can open up for you.
Keep your plans in mind and stay true to yourself.
Express yourself with passion and integrity. It’s time to turn your thoughts into action (10th house to third house) and then turn what you learn into new growth, new connections and new ways of doing things.
Swim with the Flow in the possibilities of your dreams.
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