
You Know Half Of What You Don’t Know

Laetitia in the tenth house (Virgo) is showing that thoughts of how you are seen and how you want to be seen are likely to be playing on your mind at the moment. Not too surprising with the start of the New Year and everything, but there is something both […]

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, December, 2013, January, 2014, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy

Thinking Until It Makes You Dizzy

This week seems to be dominated by your thoughts.  It seems that having the sextile between the geomes is about the only thing keeping you on the level in order to make the changes you need to make at the moment! You can’t say that you haven’t been warned and […]

Which Will Rule: Your Head Or Your Heart?

This week starts with airy goodwill to all mankind. . . well, mankind fairly close to home anyway.  Family and local travel are very much in mind at the moment.  This isn’t surprising given the festivities to come, of course.  Watch Puella, she is all about thoughts and she will […]

Time For A Little Prune

The purpose of and Astrogem reading is usually to put you back in charge of the situations and events around you, as much as possible.  It is better to take control than to simply use it to explain – or explain away – what is happening to you and around […]

A High Tide Geomantic Holiday

At high tide things get quiet in a noisy kind of way. The waves have been getting higher and stronger in your life for a little while now.  But the tide is about to change.  There will be a moment at the peak of the tide when waves are sloshing […]