Blow Away The Cobwebs

Cauda Draconis + Albus → Fortuna Minor (123)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 9th February 2020

This week Flow involves taking the initiative.

Cauda Draconis in the 11th house (Sagittarius) is strongly suggesting that you move away from the old way of doing things. It says that you should capitalise on events and circumstances which are different, even if they seem a little unusual at first.

Don’t just do the same thing over and over. Even when well-intentioned friends offer support for you generally. (This is actually not support but only ‘comfort’.) You need to see if that support just keeps you where you are or whether it moves you forward.

This is a time to move forward with new ideas and new ways of doing things. It will be very easy to keep to what you’ve done in past simply because the patterns then were destined then. Now it is time to adapt to making a new destiny for the patterns around you now. Everything needs to develop and change as it grows.

Albus in the seventh house (Leo) shows you that the way to do this by opening up connections with others. They will help you to blow away the cobwebs and to open and move through the door.

You seem to be in an environment of friendly intention and also of support, maybe coming from new people or new directions. Be open to them and to it. Seek new links, especially when you feel that there is a meeting of minds and purpose.

The Pars Draconii this week is in the ninth house (Libra). This is a very clear indication that you need to move away from the uncertainty and the ‘umming and arring’ that has been plaguing you recently. Now is the time to get rid of indecision. Now is the time to commit to at least a new way forward if not to a definite answer.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Minor (123) in the third house (Aries). This shows that this is a time to invent and to create. You will find ideas popping into your head with increased frequency this week. If you want to stimulate this process you will find it best to be already moving and doing in the direction you want to go. This is called ‘priming the pump’. You have to put something into the process first and then circumstances will follow your lead. New ideas and approaches will then occur.

Blow away the cobwebs, David Edkins, Unsplash, (CC0)

Seek to make something new.

Work to invent.

However, take care not to disturb your environment in which you operate too harshly.

Progress without disturbance. Blow away cobwebs, don’t blow off the door!

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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