Split The Rock

Puer + Fortuna Major → Cauda Draconis (124)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 11th April 2021

This week allows you to bring focus to your plans. But you will need to be careful you do not get diverted along the way.

Puer In the 6th house (Virgo) create a lens to allow you to focus your efforts and energy. You will be able to master detail, bring insight and have the strength to do what needs to be done. But this point will be key: You will need to know—and to keep to—the right path for you. Given all the energy available a slight diversion could take you way off track!

It will not matter what others are doing or saying, you must follow what you know to be the way forward. You will be able to see and understand details which others seem to ignore, misunderstand or fail to appreciate. You need to be the driving force moving things forward As others are not so involved or as interested.

This will not be too much of a challenge as the energy to carry your plans forward will also be available to you. Just don’t let them distract you.

Fortuna Major In the 2nd house (Taurus) suggests that you will want to share your feelings and ideas with others who are close to you. You are likely to find that you will be most successful when you show the feelings and emotions rather than show your feelings and emotions. What this means is that you need to present the emotional and engaging reasons for others to understand and agree with you but avoid making it seem too personal. You need the emotional buy-in but without the ego. Don’t make it a battle of wills.

The Pars Martii this week is in the 5th house (Leo). This shows that there may be a temptation, or worry, about getting too ‘socially involved’ with others when you need to interact with others. While you will benefit from avoiding distractions this week it doesn’t mean that you need to avoid all contact. Friendly is good; wasting time gossiping not so good. Don’t worry about trying to please people or to try to make your views acceptable. Force nothing. The Trine aspect between the geomes means that the easy and flowing way events unfold is likely to be the surest way.

Split the rock, Andreas Lischka, Pixabay, (CCO)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (124) In the 10th house (Capricorn). Water is gentle but can break a rock. It does so with a persistent dripping action. The same water would not break the rock if it formed into a lake or a stream instead. It is only the right form in the right way which produces the right results.

Choose your method carefully. Be persistent toward the outcome you seek.

You already know the way.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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