Maturing Harvest

Puella + Aquisitio → Cauda Draconis (134)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 8th October 2023

Puella in the 1st house (Virgo) produces increased thoughts and plans for your personal improvement this week. It would pay you not to be too critical of yourself and circumstances, however, as matters are actually moving in the direction they need to go for you. See if you can find the true reason for the growth you need and extent to which change is needed will then become clear to you.

Do no more and no less than is required to make the changes you want to see. Plan only with reference to the facts and what you know to be sure and true. This will enable you to plan your progress with the appropriate pace and speed: not too fast and not too slow. Moderate!

Aquisitio in the 9th house (Taurus) adds to this further by indicating that later in the week you will find that somewhat laborious seeming effort is needed to get to your goals. Specifically, this is calling for a little patience and dedication on your part. Don’t rush it. There are no short-cuts on this road.

Just progress so that nothing is overlooked. All must have its place.

Where does the strength come from to do this? It comes from the confidence in knowing you are doing the right thing in the right way.

You will likely ‘learn by doing’ this week. Things begin to click into place as the fruits of your labour ripen and can begin to be harvested.

The Pars Venusii is in the 5th house (Capricorn) along with the Active Transform this week. It is a clear indication to avoid over-thinking things at this stage of the process. In fact, once results start to appear you don’t need to think about them much at all. You don’t need to ‘think’ about the harvest, just gather it in as it ripens. Let it take care of itself at its own natural rate.


Maturing Harvest, Pexels, Pixabay


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Cauda Draconis (134) in the 5th house (Capricorn). This is an excellent placement and indicates that a high-point of realisation is on offer this week. Though progress to this point may have been slow and exacting the results you see will not only be worth the wait but will also be more far-reaching and far-seeing than you could have hoped!




There was one Rogue this week: Tristitia in 3rd house (Scorpio) might provide a little surprise. (Looking back this might seem like a little jolt by Fate just to make sure you are awake and don’t miss anything.) This week’s Flow largely produces a feeling of earthy natural progress in your plans. So if a sudden and seemingly significant change pops up it may give you quick cause for pause. It is likely to be something new which then ‘changes direction’, however. What you initially think may be a disruption turns out to be all for the good.


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Thank you.


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