This week the geomes are conjunct meaning that the Active Transform is in the same house.
Albus is in the 11th house (Taurus) conjunct Laetitia. The Taps showing Flow, combined with the sign and house therefore give a very clear message: use the ideas and inspiration you have and make bridges to and with other people.
In terms of realising your projects — and for resolving issues with others — the key phrase to bear in mind is “Build a bridge — and get over it!”
You will find that in the right environment, ‘doing helps you produce more doing’. In other words you can build and capitalise on your results and successes. Go forward with the momentum you and others create. In fact go as far as you can as fast as you are able.
The Neptunian influence in Laetitia suggests that it may sometimes be difficult to see if you are driving what happens or whether you are simply swimming fast with the tide. It really doesn’t matter. Just make the most of it!
Communicate your feelings honestly and fairly and don’t presume that yours are the only ones to be considered. Allow others to enrich your possibilities and views. Seek to connect and then to understand as both Albus and Laetitia provide different aspects of communicating long-term hopes of objectives. Look deeper and do not settle for superficial.
The Pars Mercurii is in the first house (Cancer) seems to follow on directly from last week’s Casting. Remember your roots and plans and keep sight of the purpose and intentions which you have been most recently planning. That will enable you to keep a firm footing as you race over the bridge.

Take control of your Destiny
From an astrological point of view Mercury in Taurus would normally suggest you would be taking your time in making decisions. Albus shows a particular set of Mercurian qualities — the more mature and wise aspect of Mercury. It shows that wisdom and age help provide certainty and sureness to your decisions. That certainty should be felt as you run towards your objectives. If you do not feel sure footing then pause, regain your bearings, feel the Flow and reposition yourself towards your goals and set off running again.
There was one Rogue this week: Cauda Dracononis in the eighth house (Aquarius).
The Rogue provides an underlying emphasis to the Casting. It shows you should act with as much force and drive as you can. Push as much as you are able towards that which you know to be right. Make it happen. To do this you may need to remove unreliable resources. You will know it when you see it.
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