Laetitia in the third house (Virgo) indicates that several threads from the past few weeks are now coming together. What was tangled now becomes harmonious and blended with other thoughts and actions.
What was only considered previously now becomes more sure in the circumstances around you. Your thoughts clarify and pieces fall into place.
The actions and circumstances you have put in place now begin to fit together in a kind of culmination.
We see here that the factors you have put in place all become funnelled towards a common cause. The pattern is emerging which is greater than the sum of the parts.
The Pars Neptunii is in the second house (Leo) this week showing that the main causes and resolutions of the current themes in your life are all consistent. You are surrounded by an obvious linking of cause to effect. In other words, this week will be a fine example of ‘As you have sown, so shall you reap’!
Laetitia is Cast in the second house (Leo), too. Flow therefore passes forward to give more emotional expression to events later in the week. It does however come with a caution: Don’t waste any of your resources! Save your money and save your temper! Keep negative emotions in check. If you can do this you will be able to capitalise on the imaginative and sensitive nature of these times. Ride the positive wave. Allow the threads to weave and the pattern for the future to emerge.

Visualise all your thoughts and emotions, actions and circumstances weaving together into a new tapestry. Bring all you are able to into this pattern. Focus. All it then takes is a dash of inspiration…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Populus (1) in the first house (Cancer). This shows that you have the potential to add that special ingredient to the situation. It allows you to see patterns around you coming to their natural conclusion.
Open yourself up to inspiration — it is a particularly good time to allow that spark of transformation. You can do this by letting the rightness, the justice and the fullness of what you feel drive and guide your plans and actions.
Keep negative emotions in check and flow purposefully and peacefully in the direction you are led.
You have mastery of your details as it is — move on.
You have mastery of your emotions and resources — move on.
This is a time when you can understand.
Be inspired by the culmination to plan and to act.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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