Review And Rehearse

Acquisitio + Populus → Acquisitio (24)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 17th July 2022

Acquisitio in the 4th house (Libra) shows that you may already feel that you have a good handle on the current circumstances and situation. It is likely, if you are in Flow, that you sense (or even know) that you are approaching some kind of conclusion or significant milestone in your current projects.

This is all to the good as it shows that you have been working hard to make your plans come to fruition. You will have weighed up the pros and cons and you are feeling reasonably confident about what you need to do to add the finishing touches.

The thing to note here is that the geomes are in a square aspect and that the Pars is in the same house as the first geome. These two factors are what unlock the meaning of the Casting. And what they indicate is that you need further preparation.

Populus in the 1st house (Cancer) has a natural resonance with the location of the first geome showing a very strong Flow. This in turn suggests a powerful linking of effects and circumstances. This then indicates that great scrutiny and care are needed in this lead up to the ‘final point’ (fruition / milestone) which you are coming up to soon.


Review and rehearse,, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (24) in the 10th house (Aries). It is this which indicates that this ‘final point’ to which you are progressing is not just a simple conclusion but rather it is where you are likely to be tested. This adds a different perspective to your project.

It means you may have to go head-to-head with some person, problem or situation. It does not suggest that you are wrong to push for what you want. Rather it is testing to see whether you are ready for the results. It is testing your preparedness.

You may find yourself tested in two ways. First, you will be tested with regard to your thinking, purpose and plans.

Second you will be tested to see whether you can do (or are ready to do) what you claim.

In short, it’s put-up or shut-up time. You are being called upon to deliver.

The Pars Jovii in the 4th house gives an added and useful dimension to this—and there’s no simple way to say this…

Do you know, or do you only know about?

Can you do or do you only know how to do in theory?

Now this is not said or meant in a derogatory way about your knowledge or skills. The indication from Flow is simply that you check. You need to rehearse. Don’t take the next steps for granted. Make sure you can do what you say you can and are sure of how to do it.

If you know and you’re sure, great!

If you’re not absolutely sure then now is the time to review, rehearse and practise.

The square aspect of Populus in the 1st can give a degree of complacency to your preparations if care is not exercised. Practise and rehearse and make sure all your troops are battle ready. This calls for a full dress rehearsal.

Now is not the time to gloss over or to be complacent.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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