If you only connect then you are likely to miss the greater opportunity this week. The hopes and inspiration you are seeking has not yet been found. And while the energy in Flow will carry you forward in your current situation that’s not all you’ll need in order to fully benefit. It will benefit you, without doubt — but will you get all you could have done?
Laetitia in the first house (Aquarius) sees you filled with hopes and expectations of various kinds this week. In Aquarius it suggests that while you may be having ideas and your thought-energy is strong you may find that your thoughts are good but the direction ends up ‘zigzag-y’.
All this Casting is positive and anything which you find which does not work out this week is simply going to need course correction rather than a complete overhaul. While you may find yourself being too abstract at times you are not likely to get practical until your thoughts have played themselves out. As the week progresses you will find however that in order to see the full range of opportunities available to you then a clearer head will prove useful.
Your dreams could well be unconventional. You may be idealistic, but not yet inspired. New ideas will be tantalisingly near. One of the ways you could free up your mind is to not simply work on a progression of what you already know, but to look for something new and inventive. Ideas driven by what you already know (and have) may prove to be too contrived and obvious. You need something different which is not yet available to you.
There is a contradiction here. Whilst it would help you to brainstorm ideas about the way forward, too much information would cloud the options available to you. You will find it will therefore help if you discriminate amongst the cloud of possibilities. And just because something seems impossible to you at the moment it doesn’t mean it is impossible forever!
The Pars Neptunii in the third house (Aries) indicates that in some way communication has been holding back your efforts. Close contacts may not feel included. The influence of Aries suggests that they may be seeing things based on their own ideas. And the way to help bring them with you is by being creative with them. Perhaps a dose of caring reassurance (rather than enforced jollity) would be helpful in order to capitalise on the second geome…
Puer in the 11th house (Sagittarius) suggests that as the week progresses you will be putting more effort into creating, or re-establishing, links with others. It seems obvious that this is the way to go, and you have the energy to do it. The obvious way, however, may not be the best way. Given the aspirations revealed in the Casting you will be able to have lots of thoughts. Don’t just settle for the first one. Second-, third- and even fourth-thoughts might have their merits.
Flow suggests that a simple rule-of-thumb will be to simply push on with your hopes. It does not suggest the particular method you should use to do so. You want to lead others in your own way, but be patient. If you ‘only connect’ then the spark may not happen. There has to be something more…
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (1) in the ninth house (Libra). This is the natural consequence of an obvious Flow that you will feel this week: you will want to connect and to re-establish. Your natural inclination will be to aim to please. That is a very good way to practice expanding opportunities in your life at the moment. But there’s more that you could have.
Your communications for the future need to be deeper, broader, further and higher.
Changes in direction might be needed before matters even think of settling down.
Acquisitio (1) offers the promise of inspiration. And the overall guiding principle this week will be: Love to learn and learn in order to grow.
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I have never before heard of either of these terms, Astrogem or Geomancy? Interested in it though! Thanks!
You are welcome, MaryAlice. I hope you find the Castings useful to help orient yourself to Flow. They aim to give a practical approach to dealing with the changing tide in life.