
Conjunctio + Fortuna Major → Acquisitio (23)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 7th June 2020

Conjunctio in the third house (Cancer) shows that the week gets off to a changeable start. This change is likely to be internal to you, however. It is also likely to involve changes close to home. This is because the first geome is in Cancer with Flow bridging over to the fourth house which is Cancer’s natural placement. It is also quite a strong placement as Conjunctio is in one of its own natural houses.

The change in the Taps suggest that you are likely to see a change of mind or thoughts about something close to you. You can capitalise on this best by finding ways for you to see things differently.

The Pars Mercurii is in the 12th house (Aries) which shows that it is going to be important to ignore the negativity in negative thoughts. Whilst you are considering the change process it’s going to be natural and necessary to approach things in a balanced way—ensuring that you know the path between what doesn’t work and what does. But it also suggests that listening too much to the ‘not’, ‘don’t’ and ‘avoid’ will be counter-productive. Understand the necessity of opposite in other words, but don’t dwell on it.

Fortuna Major in the fourth house (Leo) is in its natural sign. As the week progresses therefore you can capitalise on the ideas you have had—and the ideas from others close to you—to really start to make a difference to what and who is truly important to you.

As you are likely to have already been practising in this direction you are now going to have the opportunity to add depth and richness to your thoughts and actions. This will involve you nourishing yourself with food for the mind, heart and soul.

Practise what you love and love what you practise.

Nourishment, Scott Gruber, Unsplash, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (23) in the fifth house (Virgo). This gives a very clear indication where Flow is going and how best you can contribute and capitalise on it. It shows that you should practice and share with a view to the bigger picture. Practise expressing for bigger things.

You are not simply learning to play the piece of music. You should be looking to enthrall your audience. You are not simply painting a picture. You are seeking to captivate the imagination of the viewer.

Look for the richness, fullness and extent in expressing what you do.

Whilst it may be true that it is difficult to express what you wish more widely you can still prepare with that aim in mind.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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