
Via + Puer → Albus (1234)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 16th May 2021

Via in the 8th house (Sagittarius) suggests that visions of how the future might be are being presented to you this week. Some of these are inspired by your deep subconscious, while others may be being created and ‘sold to you’ by others.

Given all the possibilities and choices you may be faced with this could be a very creative time.

There could be opportunities to create mentally, or physically, or both. It depends on where Flow has brought you and how you and your circumstances have shaped your world.

Some of the possibilities you face will obviously seem to you to be more realistic and likely than others. But your preferences will not be the only factors involved in the planning this week.

Puer in the 7th house (Scorpio) suggests that others might provide stumbling blocks to progress this week. Indeed, some people might be quite persistent in their opposition. They want to impose their way and for their own reasons. These reasons may or may not seem logical to you. But they may be held strongly by them and this can make for difficult relations between you.

We often try to find a compromise when opinions differ. In the current state of Flow you may find it difficult to compromise with the person, but possible to compromise with the situation. In other words, you may choose to accept their ‘requests’ in order to win in the end… losing the battle in order to win the bigger war.

The Pars Luna suggests that you might also need to confront your own imaginings this week. Sometimes our fears can be our biggest enemy. By recognising that many if not most of our fears never materialise can help you keep your perspective.

Think things through. Decide your options. Be ready to carry out your preferred choices. Then put them out of your mind until you need to act. If the need arises, act quickly knowing that you have planned ahead.

Side-step, Gerd Altmann, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Albus (1234) in the 6th house (Libra). This suggests that the pressure to act suggested by others may not materialise—or that if it does it will not be of too big a problem for you.

Part of the reason you can be more relaxed is because you have so many options in front of you to get to a larger goal. You therefore get to choose how to deal with the whole of the situation rather than simply the smaller issues this week.

As a general rule, working always towards beauty, balance and wisdom will usually be your best bet.

Progress can—and needs to be—made quickly.

Keep your eyes on the bigger destination.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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