More Smoke Than Fire

Cauda Draconis + Amissio → Rubeus (123)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 9th June 2024

Cauda Draconis in the 7th house (Sagittarius) suggests that you may be working with others who seem a little too excited. Events and situations might become a little dramatic, or at least be presented in a dramatic way.

The overall impression of the Casting is that they are simply being excitable rather than trying to manipulate the situation to make it seem worse than it actually is.

You can tap-in to the energy of the situation, soaking in information and assessing the ideas of expansion, travel, hope and positive change. There is a definite mood in the air of wanting to get things done.

Amissio in the 6th house (Scorpio) adds to this feeling of the need or want to change in a direct way. It shows that there is a need for thought and level-headedness instead of simply charging at whatever the project is. It is likely that this level of thinking things through was not realised when it was presented to you. This is useful for you to know as it enables you to be a steadying influence in events this week.

Guide others in the steps which need to be taken. Provide useful direction and experience without dampening enthusiasm too much.

It will be useful to keep this in mind in order to help you set expectations. It will also help you avoid the situation where other people’s great ideas suddenly become your responsibility to make happen. Get clear on what can and can’t be done in advance so that your efforts are not torpedoed with a sudden ‘requirement’ later on. Doing so will also help you to avoid the feeling that you have been gifted with all the responsibility and none of the authority.

(Given the combination of Scorpio, Amissio / Venus and the 6th house with the second geome it would be no surprise if some female health issues needed to be taken into consideration this week.)

The Pars Draconii in the 12th house (Taurus) adds to the message from Amissio in saying that you need to be aware that others might try to play on your sense of responsibility. As mentioned, this is not malicious, but rather their inexperience and your obvious competence. Perhaps a good word to describe their approach to situations would be ‘naïve’.

More smoke than fire. Enrique Meseguer, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny

The Active Transform this week is Rubeus (123) in the 5th house (Libra). You will find that weighing up decisions and options is presented as a big, important and serious task. In truth, however, it merely requires you to sort the important from the unimportant. Once you look at matters calmly and unemotionally the way forward becomes clear. If you don’t buy into the drama then choices are much less of a performance.



There was one Rogue this week: Rubeus in the 12th house (Taurus): Times of change are also times of opportunity. Take what is useful for your journey and let the rest flow by.


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