Albus in the 2nd house (Scorpio) indicates the first of the changes you will have to deal with this week. In fact the phrase ‘first of the changes’ should be taken broadly in order to include a change of depth and intensity of change in a single area, not simply the first of several areas of change of different things. You are most likely to find a single area dominating your thoughts (and purse) this week.
Most of the change you will feel, not just see. There are likely to be changes of emotion connected mainly with finance. Other resources at your disposal may also be affected and you may feel that you have little control over what needs to be done, but that is not the case.
Tristitia in the 1st house (Libra) indicates that the control you will have will come down to the final decisions you will take. Nothing can proceed without your say-so and agreement. It’s your time and money and ultimately you get to decide where it goes. (You don’t need to emphasize this point to others, it will be clearly understood.)
The key will be to decide—and decide quickly—what is in your best interests as regards the options and possibilities on offer. Some decisions you may be able to anticipate and others you can likely know the answer to fairly quickly. For anything relatively new to you, weigh the possibilities up as quickly but thoroughly as possible and then allow things to progress along the chosen path.
Anticipate as much as you can so that you are ready to go, almost at a moment’s notice. You can do this by, for example, getting a ball-park figure in mind, by having likely timescales planned, by thinking through where things can be placed in the future. Work out various likely scenarios so that you’re not caught off-guard: For example, ‘If X happens then I will do Y. But if it costs more or is going to take longer than I thought then I’ll do Z’. Don’t dawdle either. Make decisions will all due haste.
Also, pay attention to signs of the way to go and assess their significance. Here’s a metaphor for you: If you see a rainbow you know there’s a pot of gold in the offing. If you get a lightening strike too then start mining where the lightening strikes the ground. The rainbow is ‘general’, but the lightening strike is a more specific and powerful indication of location of where to dig. (Ends of rainbows are notoriously difficult to pin down.) Be prepared to mine for the outcomes.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Fortuna Major (3) in the 12th house (Virgo). You will know when you have made the right choice because you will hit a seam of ideas which can be easily mined which provide rich results. Some of these ideas will be immediately actionable, which again indicates that you are digging in the right place.
The Pars Mercurii is also in the 12th house (Virgo) and indicates that this really is a time for moving forward. While you may worry, have second thoughts or might have regrets it cautions you to make a clear decision based on clear reasons—and then commit. Preparation ahead of time therefore pays dividends.
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