Waiting In The Wings

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, April, 2017, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Laetitia + Laetitia → Populus (1)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 21st May 2017

Yes, waiting in the wings this week. Not nervously, but rather as the culmination of all your preparation so far. This is you waiting and needing to show others what you can do.

Laetitia in the 10th house (Aquarius) indicates that you have been working with some fairly unconventional ideas. Though your thoughts and connections with others may have been a little vague until now it’s a good time to translate your thoughts into communication, especially ‘teaching’.

Allow your thoughts of service to the world in general to become more focused on what you can actually do day-to-day.

Laetitia is also the second geome cast, this time in the second house (Gemini). This shows that all your altruistic thoughts with regard to the wide world need to be demonstrated closer to home. In other words, take your ideals and make them your thoughts. And then take your thoughts and make them your teachings.

Because the Pars Neptunii is in the fifth house (Virgo) you will find that your teachings need to be based in practical connections to which others can respond. In other words your ideals and thoughts need both a practical origin and a practical application. People will need to not only see that it’s good but feel that it’s good, too.

(I have every confidence in how I’ve interpreted this Casting, by the way. As you can see, I was given a very clear omen that the interpretation was going to be ‘diamond’! (See photo))


A diamond reading — preparing the Casting this morning

As with many things to do with Laetitia there is more to this Casting than meets the eye. And not only because of shadow omens falling within the Casting.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Populus (1) in the sixth house (Libra). It is only through the Active Transform and particularly the understanding of the changes in the first Level Taps that the deeper meaning of the Casting makes sense:

Obviously, the single Tap at the top of Laetitia carries forward from the first geome to the second geome. These two single Taps then combine to open out in expressiveness in the Active Transform’s two new Taps.

What this means is that Flow has been almost at full expression as it moves through the week. It continues to build its strength in both depth and breadth until finally — and even though you are uncertain that you are ready — it reaches fulfilment. This is the fulfilment we see when you walk out from the wings and onto your stage.


Waiting in the wings, Alan Levine, Flickr (CC BY 2.0)


At that moment the Tap at Level 1 opens and you realise that the only way that you can find out if you know, if you can do it, if you and other people are ready, if all your good ideas and planning were enough, is when you step out on that stage and perform.

If the aspect between the geomes had been unfavourable then it might result in stage-fright. However, given that the aspect is a very favourable trine, then it is much more likely that you’ll feel it as excitement fuelled by adrenaline!

It is the time when you’re as ready as you will ever be and only by trying and getting it out there will you get a real idea of where you are and where you’re going.

Given that the Active Transform is in the sixth house, the house of health and medicine, I won’t say ‘Break a leg’.

Rather, given that it is in Libra, I’ll suggest that you keep your balance, stay level-headed and do what you need to do the simple joy of loving expression.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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