It seems that both Laetitia and the fourth house continue to affect Flow strongly this week. This indicates that external influences will continue to probe your core beliefs and direction.
You may also find that you feel in a bit of a battle between the external world and your home defences. Now though, there is an opportunity to explore a new direction.
Laetitia in Scorpio will provide you with a bedrock of useful intuitions about where you are now and where you need to go next. Look closely and you will see that the geome has double Taps on all Levels with the exception of the external mental (Level 1). This indicates your desire for external inspiration and that you are seeking mental and spiritual fulfilment.
Given what happens in the rest of the Casting it would seem that you are about to get that opportunity for external inspiration — the opportunity to push through and towards your dreams.
This is a time for you to really sense your future direction inwardly. There is an opportunity here for a change of direction.
Via in the sixth house (Capricorn) shows that later in the week you will sense a pinch-point, a moment of decision or revelation which shows what possibilities are now available to you.
Admittedly, the Capricornian influence will not make this easy. The Flow shows that you will gain most by taking a cold, hard and practical look at what’s not working with a view to continuing with only what is practical.
Given that there are potentially so many opportunities open to you it may be difficult to know what exactly you should choose, however.
It’s not just a matter of ‘follow your dreams’ but rather which of the dreams you should follow. Having done the hard work and found that you are now in a position to see clearly what needs doing next you will be able to ask which is the best and most fulfilling way forward.
Take control of your Destiny
Fortunately the Active Transform provides guidance here. Caput Draconis (1) shows that you can use an opening up of spiritual centres to help you.
You can see that all the double Taps of Laetitia have passed through the Via’s glass and have emerged on the other side as single Taps while simultaneously opening the double Taps at Level 1. This provides you with the much-needed inspiration. And in the eighth house! And in Pisces!
This takes you on a journey from watery Scorpio to bring nourishment to the dry earth of Capricorn. This in turn gets sieved and filtered to provide the refreshing and nourishing intuitive waters of Pisces. In other words, what was hopeful passes through the practical to produce the deeply spiritual and intuitive! The pars neptunii indicates that even those that usually support you would not be able to provide you with the depth of insight you can now enjoy.
If you decide to pass through this mirror then things will change and you are not likely to be the same afterwards…
You will change. Others will change.
You are at a point of creative and intuitive potential.
You have come to a time and a place where you can decide not just your actions but also intuitively sense your direction ahead. Head for that. Be guided by your own sense of the right next step.
What you do, or choose not to do, at this time will have far-reaching consequences.
The Flow says that this is the time to aim for the highest…
…To aim for your highest.
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