Keep To The Plan

Puella + Carcer → Albus (134)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 20th October 2024

There’s wet and windy weather in the UK at the moment. This is likely to shorten the time left to Touch the Hair of the Goddess for those of you who want to try to both connect with nature and rediscover you inner child (-hood fun).

The following internet meme shows that even family pets are getting in on the act:

Puella in the 12th house (Virgo) indicates that you will likely feel hidden thoughts of how to complete something you’re working on. It’s that nagging feeling that a solution is on the tip of your tongue (mind?). In truth it is more like a feeling of the shape of what is needed rather than a complete solution or exact answer on its own.

This turns out to be very useful. You are not looking for an answer, but rather to know what the answer looks like…

Carcer in the 2nd house (Scorpio) allows you to get what you need around you. Be guided by your intuition towards an answer. Allow your intuition, knowledge and expertise to lead the way. An analogy would be to avoid saying ‘I need exactly 10 gram of this’ and to say instead ‘I want a good pinch of this’. Use your intuitionally guided experience.

This approach allows you to mesh perfectly with the situation instead of imposing hard and fast rules. This way you can feel comfortable with the way things develop without being too insistent or too determined on one approach. Just keep to the plan and all will work out.

Keep To The Plan, Kangyi Zhang, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Albus (134) in the 4th house (Capricorn). Adopting this approach is what lets you get the best outcome for you. It may not be a ‘textbook’ outcome but it is a result which works, guided by your internal principles.

Working this way allows you to be comfortable with how things turn out. It keeps your internal integrity and promises surprise at what then opens up for you.

The Pars Venusii is in the 3rd house (Sagittarius) and suggests that as far as possible you should avoid diversions, distractions and short-cuts to the outcome. You will be able to find your answers with what you’ve got. Nothing new needs to be added.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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