Acquisitio in the 9th house (Aries) suggests that you will be tempted to expand what you are doing too much and too soon, this week. Understandably, you want to press on as soon as matters become more favourable for you. But you need to be careful that you don’t overreach yourself.
The general advice here is to make sure you cut your cloth according to your means.
In moving your interests forward it will be you that will need to inspire, drive and who sets the tone.
The Pars Jovii is in the 7th house (Aquarius) this week. It indicates that if you are working with others, or if others make ‘helpful suggestions’, then you need to take care with what they say.
You may find that their help is likely to be a little divorced from the actual needs of the situation, however well-meaning they are trying to be.
Laetitia in the 3rd house (Libra) shows that later in the week you will need to take control of things and to marshal your resources in order to keep a balancing act between the various possibilities open to you.
This could be tricky, so overall, keep to the simple approach.
Simple is good and less is better.
A metaphor may help…
If you were asked to balance a coin on the end of one of your fingers you could balance the coin on its edge. You could also balance it on its face. Both are ‘balanced’ but the second of the two approaches is better. Keep it simple and meet the requirements in as straightforward a way as possible.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Puer (24) back in the 9th house (Aries). This suggests that if you have got that balancing act right, ultimately it’s going to come down to you (as usual) to make things happen. Given the opposition aspect you might even find you need to get out of your comfort zone on matters of importance this week.
Whichever way you lead things forward this week you are probably going to need simple ‘head down persistence’ approach to make the progress you want.
On the flip-side of this you do get the chance to practise some of your recently developed or newly acquired capabilities, thoughts and tools.
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