It’s World Urbanism (aka Word Town Planning) Day today – hurrah!
How will you be celebrating?
It’s also the second day of Winter (aka the day after Samhain, midway between the Autumn equinox and the Winter solstice).
Double hurrah!!
Thanks to all those who came for a reading at the Chipping Sodbury MBS fair yesterday! (More on the Facebook page.)
And also, one of the Astrogemanti, Jess S., who lives near Boston, Massachusetts has been causing people to wonder about her sanity and infusing them with the sheer joy of living.
Read about it HERE.
OK, on with this week’s reading!
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I have to say that despite the appropriateness of the title of this post the idea of it goes completely against my grain! How can we possibly justify not giving full value and yet charging even more for it?
The answer, it turns out, is quite simple…
You’ve been working hard to get your head in order. Your projects are getting to the point when you don’t mind showing other people and you’d be happy discussing your plans for the future for everyone.
In fact, not only do you want to share with others but you want others to join in. You got some great ideas and some great plans — ways of making things better for the future.
You’re likely to find, however, that not everyone is as excited by your ideas as you are.
Do they not care? Do they not see? Do they not know a good deal when it’s presented to them?
No, none of the above.
Puella in the 10th house (Cancer) suggests that you’ve been doing great work but largely for your own benefit and from your own perspective. Now I don’t mean that you have not been considering how your plans and ideas will affect others. Quite the contrary. But it is the details and all the careful consideration which are likely to put others off…
They don’t need to see how you have created your masterwork. They don’t need to know about all the preparation and how it all integrates.
It’s a crying shame, but all they seem to care about are the results.
Your beautiful meal? It turns out they just want to grab a mouthful and run.
Your wonderful symphony? They are only in the mood for the catchy chorus.
It can be very frustrating if you let it. So there’s the thing: don’t let it!
Fortuna Major in the fifth house (Aquarius) gives you the clear indication of where the Flow is going to go. If you look carefully you’ll see that Fortuna Major is identical to Puella except that it has additional two taps at Level 1.
This shows a flowering of your ideas which will inspire others (as this is an Expanding Flow). And because this is in Aquarius it shows that the meeting of minds will have to be somewhat less emotional (or dedicated) and, likely, faster.
So after all your effort to make things wonderful, integrated and beautiful all they needed was the popular, the bite-sized and the snippet.
How can we stay positive about this?
Because you know the true value of your work. You know the effort that has gone into it.
And because it is not the final result but the process of getting to the final result which is the most important thing.
This is another way of saying ‘The journey is the goal’.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform which flows from the geomes is Laetitia (134) in the 12th house (Virgo). This reinforces the direction of the Flow by showing that the way to keep your sanity in the middle of a mad world this week will be to remember the purity. Remember the quality. Remember the integrity.
Simply take satisfaction in knowing that however it has happened, you have helped. Even if the world only needs part of what you can offer don’t let that trouble you. The fact is that no one else can give even that snippet that you give!
And because just part of what you offer is in demand then take satisfaction — and compensation — for just that, and keep that warm inner glow of quality to yourself.
There were no Rogues this week.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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