Rubeus in the second house (Aries) is likely to give a strong set of emotional impulses to Flow this week. Fortunately, these are in a trine aspect so, broadly, all is likely to work out well in the end.
Trines need to be watched carefully, however. It is easy to assume that all is going well when in fact events are simply unfolding out of your control. Sometimes these can be a slippery slope. Sure, everything is going ‘easily’ but check it is going in exactly the direction you want.
You are likely to experience the feeling of headstrong and passionate intention to move things forward this week. Home will not be enough (and not just because of self-isolation!). You’ll want to be ‘out and doing’, bursting with the desire to get things moving.
There may be family commitments or other strong anchoring feelings and you’ll want to quickly get things in order.
That ‘order’ will be key. Don’t rush it just because you feel like going full steam ahead! It is not enough to just do. You need to ‘do right’! Make sure that your energy is focused in an orderly direction. It will be too easy to get distracted otherwise. Get your ducks in a line. Get your resources sorted out and in good order. Know what you’re working with.
Cauda Draconis in the 10th house (Sagittarius) continues Flow outwards. You’ll want to look to the outside influence you can exert to get things moving.
This extends the impatience you are feeling inside to make you want to change the world and its problems by getting on with things.
This is a practical ambition not just to make changes in your world but also to realise your goals and ambitions. Keep it practical. Use the energy you have to inspire yourself and others.
The Pars Plutii is in the fifth house (Cancer). This is the other half of the caution which needs to be extended to those around you: Use your closeness to others to provide yourself with a good foundation and support for your energy and ambitions. But be careful that surrounding yourself with the influences of others doesn’t become claustrophobic!
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio (2) in the sixth house (Leo). This shows that the end result of your desire to make changes is likely to broaden your authority, to become more expert and to increase your experience generally.
Allow your skills and expertise to grow.
It will allow you to serve others — and yourself — better.
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