
Fortuna Minor + Cauda Draconis → Albus (12)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 18th February 2024

Fortuna Minor in the 4th house (Taurus) indicates that there are matters to be sorted out at home this week. Much of this seems to do with maintenance or building of some kind. This could be in terms of relationships but there is a strong indication that this is a physical project rather than something emotional. As the week progresses however you are likely to see that any physical project has an emotional component to it, too.

Initially then, the placement indicates that something needs to be physically moved or built. The ground needs to be broken so that foundations can be laid and ‘fundamental elements’ can be put in place.

If this is appearing in the physical world for you in a literal sense then it might be that this concerns the garden or at least projects extending outside the current physical boundary of your buildings. The indication is that this will go well for you even if it might not be as quickly as you’d like.

Cauda Draconis in the 2nd house (Pisces) is where some more emotional elements come in. It indicates that physical plans will need to be firmed up with others close to your projects. Family and close relatives would be significant here. Emotional support is needed just as much as help and understanding with regard to time and money!

It looks like feelings will be soothed and all will be well. This is probably because you understand people’s emotions and that everyone’s needs are going to be different. You will find that speaking in terms of their needs and feelings will be very important in order to get alignment of understanding and responsibility—and in soothing any concerns that may arise this week. Reconciling your own and other’s points of view will be needed to show that finances and other resources will be used wisely.

The Pars Solii is in the 3rd house (Aries) and indicates that you should be able to avoid getting distracted by any change that is going on around you this week. It may be useful to note that just because someone is producing activity or seeming to be busy does not necessarily mean they are getting results!

Foundations, Quang Nguyen vinh, Pixabay, (CC0)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Albus (12) in the 12th house (Capricorn). This indicates that you are likely to benefit most by focusing on your core principles rather than on appearances.

By concentrating on what is real and what is supposed to happen (according to your master plan) you will be able to see events and circumstances in their true light.

Being able to show that actions are following good plans is useful as it helps keep everyone on track. (It also helps people to not react too strongly if they don’t get their own way immediately.)

Instead of enforcing rules it is better and easier just to offer clear guidance.

Don’t forget to treat yourself with compassion and don’t be too hard on yourself. Listen to the deep rhythm around you and events around you will conform to that in the end.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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