Enough To Do

Fortuna Minor + Carcer → Aquisitio (12)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 21st May 2023

Overall there are some strong forces in play this week. The dynamism of the Sun in the area of personal perfection is going to be restrained by local changes and the desire (or need) for safety and security. Submerging these conflicting demands could easily lead to worry as to whether you have the resources to do what needs to be done. This worry or anxiety could get in your way more than the task itself.

Let’s put a little more detail on that…


Fortuna Minor in the 6th house (Libra) indicates that your good nature and sense of duty could cause you some problems. Perhaps you are seen as too good. It can feel very flattering to think that you are the most competent person to deal with the issues. But it can also be a burden when it’s all left to you to do the work. Others seem not to even want to try to help.

The ‘reward’ for doing your job well is that people just give you more work to do. Maybe that doesn’t seem fair, but it seems like human nature and does make a kind of sense… If you’ve got an efficient labour-saving device why would you not save yourself as much labour as possible by putting it to work in as many situations as it was good at dealing with? The thing the owner often forgets is the story of ‘Killing the goose that laid the golden eggs’. Where is your reward for all the gold you are giving?

Use your skills, by all means. But your reward should be based on how much your product/outcome is valued rather than how much effort you put in.

Carcer in the 3rd house (Cancer) indicates that you should avoid becoming your own worst enemy. In times of change responsible decisions need to be made. This keeps things on track and secure during the time of transition.

Control, certainly; nit-picking, no.

Do not get bogged down in the details of trying to square away every last little thing. Allow for variety while still under your control.

The Pars Solii is in the 4th house (Leo) this week. It indicates that sometimes you just need to finish the job (or at least a particular chunk of it) irrespective of normal constraints (such as clocking off time). It will be up to you to pick the best way—and the right time—for any pauses.


Enough to do, Lapping, Pixabay, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Aquisitio (12) in the 12th house (Aries). This indicates that for best results you will need to set boundaries. Aim to keep tasks within the time you allot for them.

Don’t take work home with you, even the thought of work in your head.

Active rest and relaxation will help keep you balanced.




There was one Rogue this week: Fortuna Major in the 9th house (Capricorn). Just because something is difficult does not mean that it is wrong.

Just because something is easy does not mean it is wrong.


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