Laetitia in the 10th house (Aquarius) indicates that you are in a very creative and imaginative atmosphere this week. This could manifest itself as matters seeming to swirl round in an uncertain way or it may be that you are trying (or needing) to be creative. It all comes down to who it is that is looking for solutions and who is providing them.
Keep your wits about you and don’t promise—or expect—more than is reasonable, despite how the situation might look or pressure put upon you (self-imposed or otherwise).
At first you will be able to draw on your bank of experience to make whatever it is you are looking for. You are likely to find that the unusual seems to draw you in. That is likely to only take you so far, however.
You might try to use mixtures of various known elements to weave something new. You will know if this is done right when you can’t ‘see the joins’. In making something new try to ensure you make a blend when creating a new whole. To using a cooking analogy, you’ll know it’s working if the individual ingredients merge into a new, integrated flavour. In other words, look to make ingredients ‘gel’.
Amissio in the 11th house (Pisces) means that as the week progresses you could look further afield for help to develop things even more.
You currently have some important and useful resources but it can sometimes help to look outside the immediate situation in order to find the spark.
If you are too tied up in the situation you might not be able to see the wood for the trees.
Doing more of what is not working won’t help. Step back and try to disengage. Take another look once you are thinking more dispassionately. This is how a kestrel hunts. Hover. See the situation. Take time. If nothing looks promising glide on and hover somewhere new.
The Pars Neptunii this week is in the 2nd house (Gemini) indicating that you need to be careful to avoid flights of fancy or fantasy this week. The difference between the two is that the first is illusion created by what you would like. The second is some kind of illusion mistaken for what it is that you want. In other words, watch for lies you tell yourself and for convincing yourself something is one thing rather than another. Tied in with this is the annoying tendency to lose things this week. Slowing down will help.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Albus (1) in the 12th house (Aries). If you’ve been able to disengage from your emotions and the pressure of the situation then the inspiration will come.
The spark of the new comes from combining, but not doing so in an obvious way. If you think you’ve tried everything then you are trying too hard. Results don’t need you to ‘try’ but rather to see. There are other ways of thinking about things.
Let go. Don’t try to be clever, be wise.
Wise thoughts come from within and are rarely bludgeoned to the surface.
Seek wisdom outside yourself.
And when you find it, home in and grab it with both hands.
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