Carcer in the 8th house (Pisces) indicates that what at first seems difficult or challenging this week will eventually resolve itself. Matters should not be forced by you, however, but neither should you simply let things unfold without assistance. It just means that you should not press or insist.
Matters will take the time they need to take. Circumstances need to evolve on their own, certainly at the start of the week.
When matters do start to move it may seem as if it’s by magic. That’s because they will be driven by forces above your current operating level… and your concerns.
It seems right to combine the interpretation of the Pars Saturnii in the 6th house (Capricorn) and the Rogue (Populus) in the 4th house (Scorpio) which appeared in the Casting this week as they seem to be mutually supportive in meaning: The shift in Flow will seem to come about as ‘Reaching of Emotional Fullness’. This means that the way forward for you this week will be, and need to, feel right emotionally. This is important: Do not let perceived duty or supposed responsibility hold you back.
Remember you can only get different results by doing something different. While this doesn’t mean that you should ignore your actual responsibilities, it does suggest that you need to weigh up whether you are letting your soft heart keep you from doing what actually needs to be done.
Rubeus in the 1st house (Leo) gives a very clear indication that you should avoid letting your head get in the way of what needs to be done. Stop over-thinking things!
Understandably, you are reluctant to ‘trust to luck’, but that is not the same thing at all. The choice is not between over-thinking and abandoning everything to chance. Moderate your thinking. Be prudent. Seek a wise and magnanimous approach, especially in your dealings with others.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Puer (14) in the sixth house (Capricorn). This is a very interesting placement and gives a very helpful steer on how best to capitalise on Flow this week: Look to act! Practise taking on new ideas and new ways of doing things.
See what feels right.
Most importantly, do what works.
Practicality in action and results will count a great deal.
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