Clearing The Way

Rubeus + Fortuna Minor → Laetitia (2)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 5th July 2020

Rubeus in the third house (Leo) is an interesting counterpoint to the Pars Plutii in the 12th house (Taurus) this week. The Pars shows that something has been lurking at the back of your mind. You haven’t been able to quite put your finger on it and it’s probably been nagging away. Not only that but it may even feel to you as though it’s been a hindrance holding you back in some ill-defined way.

Rubeus shows that whatever this is it now starts to become clear to you. This is because the subconscious opens the channel allowing you to deal with the issues. This is likely happening at this time due to a changed and improved perspective on the situation recently and the ‘boil’ can now be ‘lanced’.

Because matters are clearing you can change things. You will find that matters will go more easily in dealing with subconscious concerns if you are sympathetic and generous in dealing with your fears. Do not be afraid. Simply face what needs to be faced.

Fortuna Minor in the fourth house (Virgo) shows that most of your progress will be seen in simple physical cleaning around you. But this is a symbol. It is a metaphor for the mental change which you are implementing.

Whilst the external world sees you, say, simply cleaning window, your internal expression is ‘clarifying your vision’. It is this inner work which will turn out to be the most important for you. But the inner reflects the outer—and vice versa.

Clearing The Way, Austrian National Library, Unsplash, (CC0) (700)

Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Laetitia (2) in the fifth house (Libra). The two new Taps at Level 2 show that Flow this week is really all about your mental processing.

If we take a trivially simple example to illustrate the point then it should become clearer. Here’s the flow:

Pars: You may have been feeling crowded out or cramped.

Rubeus: You realise you need to clear things up.

Fortuna Minor: You make a physical change in your environment which appears to be a ‘clearing up’.

AT: The physical act is the expression of your inner intent.

It is the inner intent which makes you feel better and which produces the progress.

It opens channels.

Things shift from what was a burden to a new more harmonious situation.

This allows you the freedom to move forward.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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