Caput Draconis in the 11th house (Taurus) indicates a focus on long-term ideas and aspirations this week. It is as though you have received fresh inspiration for your goals.
Do not be disappointed if at first the inspiration you receive seems to be too simple or straightforward. It is often in the simple that we find the greatest elegance. It is also where we can find the greatest practical application, too.
The Pars Draconii is also in the 11th house suggesting that what you are likely to see is a paring down and simplifying of what was previously a very complex picture.
Once the key theme or idea has been created all other ideas and actions can flow from this. This is a much better approach than trying to create a unifying meaning from several separate pieces.
Given the sextile aspect between the geomes this looks like a very fruitful time for your hopes and ambitions.
Fortuna Minor in the ninth house (Pisces) suggests that you need to maintain the duality between inspiration and practice. More specifically, it can be interpreted as expressing the mystical. What this means in everyday terms is that you need to demonstrate ‘applied wisdom’ and to apply a lightness of touch to move things forward. You can do this by sensitively understanding the needs and limitations—and also the opportunities—that surround you. This will apply to your own situation.
But this will be particularly important when considering how what you want affects others.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Puella (234) in the seventh house (Capricorn). The sextile aspect makes what might otherwise be a challenging aspect in the Casting more smooth-flowing.
It suggests that you can work towards the active sharing of ideas, looking forward to collaborating with others. And it is the manner in which you collaborate that is going to be key.
It is the collaboration itself which takes your long-term goals, through the application of your wisdom, to the common ground you need to communicate and to progress.
Your key tool to help with this will be to find that common ground: to agree the ground rules and ways of working together.
Seek the principles which unify first and only then move forward to the details.
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