This week it seems that you know where you want to go. But there is an indication that there is a barrier, deadline or other commitment that needs to be got rid of first.
As a consequence you’ll need to finish that off first.
The conjunction of the geomes means that there is likely to be some tension in the air this week both inside and outside your areas of operation and influence. This is perfectly natural when you consider that there is so much to do but don’t quite know how you can get it all done.
It’s because of that tension that you will find your creativity will be sparked. It’s too easy to just let things roll on if there is no pressure to get them done.
[bctt tweet=”Commit to finding the few things which are likely to pay off soon.”]
You need to set your eyes on the bigger ideas and the longer-term consequences. It would seem the best way to do this is to commit to finding the few things which are likely to pay off soon.
Getting to ‘Terminator Mode’ and just finish things off.
Find homes for things.
Put stuff away.
Take control of your Destiny
Seek new ideas to fertilise and refresh what you’re already doing and working on. Ask for help in finishing off your work. You’ll learn something valuable in the process if you do.
The key to the second part of the week is to think wider. To do this pin down ideas if possible — yours and other people’s — and most importantly find sources of inspiration.
Make time to be creative. Your ideas will need some external inspiration which will only come by clearing the decks to make room for them.
This will involve you changing your mind and your approach.
Take only what’s good move that forward with this new inspiration.
This inspiration will need working at — it won’t just be lying around for anyone to find. But your big advantage is that, having cleared away what is not important, you’ll know exactly what you’re looking for.
There were no Rogues this week.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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