There are a huge number of opportunities and possibilities around you. They are all fascinating, each one glistening with potential. But the time has come for you to take what you need and move on.
Stop the (self-)examination, you already know enough.
I know it’s all very interesting — all that emotion, analysis and understanding which is available. But there lies the problem. It’s not analysis and it’s not understanding — it is prevarication, the forerunner of procrastination.
You are finding out so much, it’s delicious! Each new thought and action brings new possibilities and insights. But there is danger in being trapped by the fascination of what is possible.
This is the time to do things with others. Share with them ideas and enthusiasm and even excitement. Make plans to work with them and act on these plans quickly. You will need to act before they change their mind — because they are likely to! Pin them down to a quick plan and then start doing — just start. Power and brilliance will follow.
Start new ventures with them. Get out there and spread the ideas. No more preparation. Now is the time to act and it will be best to act with others.
Just one more thing…
No! There is no ‘one more thing’!
That was just a test to see if you were paying attention!
Do it now.
Take control of your Destiny
You have everything you need — at least for the moment. Take any and all opportunities to work with others and to get your ideas across — now.
This is all going to seem quite heady at first, maybe even reckless. But possibilities not acted upon are wasted.
A jewel that you don’t use or cash-in is either an ornament or a souvenir.
[bctt tweet=”A jewel that you don’t use or cash-in is either an ornament or a souvenir”]
It will seem a shame to leave some matters unexplored but you will find it curiously liberating. Act to make what you’ve got real and concrete.
Create serious, practical plans. Establish clear lines of responsibility and who exactly will do what. This will be the necessary groundwork and ground-rules for the next steps.
Yes, I know there are still so many interesting things still to explore, but it’s time to move on.
You are in a cave with many jewels around you. Stuff your pockets. Take two big handfuls and head out of the cave — the next part of your adventure awaits…
There were no Rogues this week.
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Thank you.
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