Get ready this week to clear out anything which is not necessary for your job in hand.
This is a time for clearing away anything which isn’t useful to you and which could get in the way of what you’re trying to achieve. Specifically, you need to tidy up your physical surroundings and to get your emotions in order!
Getting your emotions in order can be quite difficult of course, but really it means ensuring you are absolutely clear on what you need and want to do.
Much of this clearing up will involve physical effort, and this really does mean physically moving stuff away or out – this is not a metaphor. Okay, it could have metaphorical meaning too, but Fortuna Minor is concerned here with physically sorting matters out.
The essence will be to create some kind of order from the disorder which is surrounding you at the moment . As the Flow shifts later in the week there will not be a lot of time available, so make any preparations needed as soon as possible.
The trine to Conjunctio later in the week indicates the possibility of a short physical journey but the more likely possibility of a larger journey of the mind and communication in general. This is the ‘shout out’ half of the title of this post.
As Conjunctio is in Gemini, its native sign, you can expect some fairly fast-moving events, ideas and other ways of exchanging ideas with others. Many of these will bring you into very favourable contact with others.
This shift also sees a change of physical effort on your part to greater mental effort. It may feel that the Flow switches from a local focus on you to more about how you can become a conduit or lightning rod for others.
While the start of the week is practical and physical the second half is likely to be more action-packed and much more about your connections with the wider world.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform shows that as a result of this shift in Flow you will be in a very good position to develop new ideas and it should prove to be a very mentally stimulating time for you.
Try if you can to find new ideas to enable you to practically do your work better. This will be an active and creative approach to using the Flow for your own benefit. New ideas will just seemed to flow at this time so make the most of this creative opportunity.
The key in all this will be to keep light on your feet. Don’t allow yourself to become bogged down. Move with the wind.
Work with principles and don’t worry too much about details at the moment.
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On a personal note, thank you to everyone who has contacted me saying that they are looking forward to meeting up at the International Tarot Conference next week.
It’s still not too late to book a place and I will be revealing a new Tarot spread incorporating the principles of Astrogem. This will show one of several links between the Oracles.
I plan to have the presentation recorded and then to be able to offer a recording shortly afterwards.
I recently posted a story within a story about Geomancy and Tarot – click HERE to see it.
I’m looking forward to it immensely and I hope to see you there!
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Fortuna Minor in the second house (Libra) suggests that the internal and external physical world really needs to be brought into balance.
Given that this is then in trine to Conjunctio in the 10th (Gemini) we see a shift in the two taps at Level 3 of Fortuna Minor to become two taps at Level 1 of Conjunctio, meaning that while communication and ideas are flowing freely you will need to shift from offering physical help to linking with others mentally.
The Active Transform Amissio (12) shows that this mental connection with others will translate into new and exciting ideas and avenues of thought for you in relation to work (sixth house, Aquarius). Some of these ideas will be seed-ideas at the moment while others may have a profound influence.
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