Channel Your Resources

Amissio + Puella → Tristitia (13)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 14th February 2021

This week the trine aspect brings positive movement out of what might have otherwise been a more difficult situation.

Amissio in the second house (Pisces) suggests that you are feeling a little pulled-out with what you perceive as emotional obligations and commitments. You are likely to feel that you need to pull back a little to avoid being spread too thinly in life. Certainly, the odds are in your favour to be able to do so this week. As much as you have been trying to keep things together it sometimes seems that nothing is quite good enough. There is always more to be done, it seems.

The Pars Venusii in the ninth house (Libra) suggests that there could be two causes of you feeling like this. First, because you have been being too nice to people who didn’t always deserve it and second, because you may have been indulging yourself a little too much with pretty or enjoyable things! That is not to sound judgemental but rather to restate what you already know!

Given Amissio’s position in the second house you may have been (or intending to) the a little too free with your finances. There is nothing wrong with treats and we all need our escapes. Difficulties only arise when you already know that something may be starting to get out of control but don’t rein yourself back in. This will therefore be a time when you will be able to reset that balance.

Puella in the sixth house (Cancer) shows that as the week progresses you will be able to think more clearly and carefully about where you are spending your time and efforts.

Thinking things through it helps you avoid wasting your money, too. Most useful however is it helps you not to waste your heart, your emotions and your care where it is not fully appreciated.

Channel your resources, Leon Seierlein, Unsplash, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Tristitia (13) in the 10th house (Scorpio). This shows that it would be wise to prune excesses and to keep your store of energy and emotions in reserve. If you have been too soft-hearted about a lost cause or other waste of time you will not be able to fully pursue what is new and worthwhile. When a new opportunity suddenly opens up for you this week you will need these resources to take full advantage of it.

There will be a meaningful opportunity ‘to do and to grow’ which you might have otherwise missed, or at least not been able to develop as fully as possible.

Now however, having the will and the skill, you should be able to take advantage of it.

Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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