Fortuna Minor in the 12th house (Cancer) continues the 12th house influence for Flow from last week. In this sextile aspect it suggests that this is a time to show your protective and nurturing side.
Specifically, in dealing with others it will help to show your empathy and rapport with their situation. This needs to be done in a particular way however.
That might seem odd. Surely being sympathetic is just being sympathetic? Yes, it means that you will be sympathetically giving and providing support. But it will be driven by two factors.
First it will be driven by, in this case, the 12th house’s instinctive emotional impulses. This means that the sympathy you feel is not in any way calculated: There is no tit-for-tat; there is no working out what is right… It must just come from within and be a natural expression of your concern.
It is important to note, too, that the empathy you express this week might also need to be expressed towards yourself! You are not immune from needing a bit of self-love and self-compassion! This is a week when you must not be too hard on yourself. Don’t push yourself too much!
Amissio in the 2nd house (Virgo) shows the second way to offer your sympathy. It goes deeper than you simply reacting to their situation. It means that you will find it best to seek to understand their world-view. Put simply, they want help in the way they want help.
It would not be appropriate to impose solutions against someone’s nature. There is a world of difference between the answer and their answer.
Having their acceptance of your help is going to be more than half the solution to any problems this week.
It is benevolence which makes everything lighter.

The Pars Solii is in the 3rd house (Libra) this week. This gives an interesting additional guidance for the week. It lets you know that your natural inclination in trying to make changes will be to be even-handed. You like to seem fair, after all. Now, however, it is necessary to commit. Find the answer which actually works, not just a compromise.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (12) in the 4th house (Scorpio). This is a powerful placement, particularly in terms of arriving at solutions in this Flow. It shows that the results and reward you are likely to get will come from seeing matters completed successfully according to the needs of the situation. This is not the same as seeing it done your way.
It is allowing ‘your children’ (of the project) to find and do it their way (with your help). You cannot impose.
It will be enough to know that you have made the world just a little bit better for everyone. In fact, you may be surprised to find that this practical change is inspiring to others.
It plants seeds of appreciation and loyalty.
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