Staying Aware

Albus + Fortuna Major → Tristitia (3)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 29th August 2021

Albus in the 6th house (Capricorn) suggests that a state of focus will prevail this week. You may therefore find yourself devoted to a particular idea or notion which you feel duty bound to stick to. You may also feel that hard practical work is the only way for things to pay off, but may feel reluctant to get stuck in to it. There is a reason for that feeling!

If you are in Flow this week you may already feel that the answers you need will lie in the mental realm rather than the physical. Given that much of the Casting involves aspects of the element of Air this is not altogether surprising.

Albus is an aspect of Mercury and in Capricorn we see expressions of authority, paying attention and sticking to your purpose. It also means you might be involved in talking to co-workers in your project or field.

Look to increase feelings of trust and security with those related to your work. You might do this best by making the interpersonal connections part of what you are aiming to achieve rather than compartmentalising work and relationships.

Fortuna Major indicates that this does not mean that you should mix work and pleasure, however. You simply need to ensure that social friction does not get in the way of the job to be done.

In making any small changes you want to ensure others understand you and that you understand them.

The square aspect this week could test you to make sure things are progressing as they should. Any problems are likely to show up very quickly as matters progress. They should therefore be dealt with in a timely manner and despatched quickly in order to avoid becoming distractions.

The Pars Mercurii this week is in the 5th house (Sagittarius). This reinforces that point by warning against becoming (or avoiding people who are) too optimistic, too impulsive or who try to overload you with too much information. Stay aware.

This is a time for you to cut through the clutter and to get to—and stick to—the point.

Staying Aware,, (CC0)


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Tristitia (3) in the 12th house (Cancer). This is a very interesting placement which provides a different aspect to the mental realm. Here it indicates that it is your unconscious which will likely flag up sudden and unexpected potential problems.

Listen to it!

You need to stay alert and to respond quickly if something seems ‘off’ to you.

You might not always be easily able to say what exactly is wrong. But trust and communication will be important watchwords this week.

Keep checking your internal emotional responses.

Warnings will come quickly when they do come and they should be acted upon for clarification or avoidance just as quickly.


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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