There seems to be, not unnaturally, a carry-over in Flow from last week’s Casting. Both the 6th and 1st house feature prominently.
Populus in the 6th house (Aries) is conjunct to Amissio. Whenever a Casting starts with Populus it indicates that the message of Flow is of a culmination and also a continuation.
There are a number of ways to imagine this: that matters are up to cruising speed, they are at a rolling boil, there is the creation of a new normal, that you are operating at a higher level.
Populus indicates that matters are coming to a head at—or with—your work. In a minor way this peak may be being driven by the time of year—wanting to get things finished before year’s end. Mainly though it is simply the culmination of the current Flow in which you are operating.
It is likely that you will see both the end of something and the start of something new at the same time. In some ways you are likely to find that that the new circumstances are similar to what is ending. It is almost as if you are starting again but on a higher level. Now, however, you are progressing with the wisdom of experience and other tools to guide you.
Amissio in the 6th house is conjunct to Populus, making this a powerful time in Flow. Specifically, you will find that it will be your ideas and need for results which are driving things forward.
Given the conjunction it suggests you will feel a deep immersion in what you are doing. You are on the home straight. These are the final coats of paint, the final smoothing off, the final polishing.
That said, there’s more which could be done—and how you respond to that will be important…

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Amissio also in the 6th house (Aries). Consolation and encouragement need to be given here…
It seems that even when you are ‘done’ more could still be done. But that is how it should be!
‘Finished’ is dead as nothing more can be added.
‘Done’ is ‘completed’—and there is created a vibrant ‘tang’ to the work. There should be a slight uncertainty as to whether to add a little more or to leave it as it is. There is a tinge of expectancy.
It is as if the artist has only just stepped away from painting the picture. Not knowing if it is quite done is part of what makes the work continue to live.
The Pars Luna is in the first house (Scorpio) and is a useful hint on how to view this situation. It cautions against feeling any regret. You need to know and feel that not being perfect is what makes the work perfect.
‘Done’ is enough.
It inspires you to further growth, to evolve, to see that which is greater and deeper as the journey continues.
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