The Casting this week could easily sound like some kind of Eastern new-age mystical nonsense paradox: ‘Concentrate without concentrating’. But geomancy can do a little better for you than that!
Yes, I know you are currently trying to learn lessons in order to find your way forward. Yes, you want to improve your current situation… who doesn’t? But there are ways of going about it to get best results. And the good news is that you can make these improvements when you work within the Flow…
Rubeus in the 10th house (Capricorn) lets you know that the Flow has the potential to be both practical and transformative. Specifically, that you will be able to make some down-to-earth changes.
So far, so good. Now here’s where the Flow gets interesting. You already know that you want to make changes, as I said. You will see the need to make those changes. And you’ll have some ideas about how to make those changes. In order to make those changes successful, however, you will probably need to let go of your control.
If you are controlling the process, if you know what you’re doing, then the chances are it will be not be new. That is, not really new. And as a consequence any ‘new’ approach is unlikely to really make a change because it’s too rational. You need the irrational, the suddenly different, the slightly scary.
Sure, they may seem like new approaches and ways forward that you are coming up with, but if you have worked them out rationally then they are solutions rather than insights. Somehow, somewhere, you need to get your rational head out of the way.
[bctt tweet=”Somehow, somewhere, you need to get your rational head out of the way” username=”astrogemer”]
When you are in Flow you will find that it’s best not to plan everything or to try and figure it all out. What you will find helps is to just be quiet and to settle yourself mentally and physically. Then, take all that great thinking and great ideas you have and realise that they themselves are not solutions but rather material for your subconscious to work on. Only then will you have really new ideas presented to you by your subconscious.
It is this approach which is ‘concentrating without concentrating’. It’s what Yoda told Luke to do even while everything was falling down around him:
Tristitia in the 12th house (Pisces) shows that it is by keeping only your frame of mind right (rather than any preconceived ideas about a solution) which will help your subconscious to suddenly present you with a way forward. The changes you want to make will not be rationally based but should evolve from within.
And it is when you are able to free yourself up like this that you will be able to make the changes you need to make.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Acquisitio (2) in the second house (Taurus). This reinforces the idea of taking your subconscious feelings (from Tristitia) and bringing them out.
Acting on the felt insights will be the most useful way forward.
Be aware however that this new feeling will be deep. It will be fathomless and unknown. It involves trusting yourself to let go. It means doing things you believe are rationally uncertain.
And only then will you be able to do what you need to do — to outwardly communicate in a different way.
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Thank you.
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