It is becoming clearer who is on your side and who seems to be obstructing progress. Puer in the first house (Scorpio) shows that you will be putting in the necessary time and effort to make things happen this week. You seem to have all the tools and energy you need. This makes it very clear as to you what you need, where you’re going and what the end result should look like.
The energy you feel is likely to be quite directed. You will feel a strong sense of the path the that you need to take. The only difficulty here might be that you are too energetic and focused. Given that others in the Flow are going to be feeling energetic and focus too, you are likely to find that it’s the details of the journey which provide sticking points.
Carcer in the sixth house (Aries) indicates that a little bit of ‘rethinking’ may be necessary in order to help progress your goals this week. The two Taps opening up at Level 2 suggest that you will see a shift from just wanting to get on with it to needing to educate others about how they could be helping.
Given the influence of Mars in the first house and then its native sign in the sixth house there may be a temptation to be a little too forceful in trying to get the work done. If you know that, however, as you do now, you will be able to direct your thoughts and actions in a better and more productive way, as we’ll see.
If you find that other people are not going along with your plans you’ll find that a change of approach actually changes the whole atmosphere.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Rubeus (124) in the 11th house (Virgo). The Flow should be quite easy to spot for those who are sensitive to the transformation this week: Puer’s Martian focus is in the first house, Scorpio.
The first house is traditionally governed by Aries.
The second geome Carcer appears in Aries in the sixth.
The sixth’s traditional ruler is Virgo.
The Active Transform manifests Virgo in the 11th house.
The Active Transform Rubeus (124) is the ruler of the Casting’s first house (Scorpio)
… And thus the circle is complete!
With such a heavy influence on transformative energy the Active Transform shows that we can turn opposition into support. And we can do that best by thinking about and showing the wider significance and application of what we’re doing. This means you’ll find it best to show by example.
Okay, okay, I know what you’re thinking: ‘I’m fed up with being a good example!’ But that is not what I mean here. This is a different kind of example… It is a matter simply of providing an example rather than having to be an example.

So instead of being forceful about your approach and instead of seeing hold-ups as resistance, you can see this simply as an opportunity to educate. The example you give can be given like a teacher gives an example, as an instance or ‘recipe’ of how to go about things. This means that you should just ‘turn the handle’ a few times to get them started and then let others take over.
You can also think of it a bit like walking into a mist: Sometimes the best you can do is to just follow the path you can see right below your feet and to trust that the overall direction will take care of itself.
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