Over in Florida Robert has just given his first Astrogem reading. Both he and his sitter were pleased with it as you can see — well done Robert! He now becomes the newest member of the 1600.

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This week the Casting gives the two geomes in a trine aspect. This shows that generally the Flow will be easy and that you should find things neatly falling into place.
Fortuna Major in the sixth house (Aries) shows that your intentions will largely be on making improvements in and around ourselves and your work. This will bring clarity to how you would like things to be in the future. The clouds disperse and plans and actions will firm up in your mind.
The nature of Aries suggests, however, that you will need to watch that you don’t get carried away with all the energy around you this week. Just because you know what you need to do and feel driven to do it you still need to create your results mindfully.
It would be easy to get carried away just because the doors seem to be opening for you. There is still a little way to go before your ideas and actions find a home in the hearts and minds of others. So let’s talk about that…
Amissio in the 10th house (Leo) shows that the two Taps at Level 1 in Fortuna Major reopen at Level 4. This indicates that the ‘work’ that you are doing in the sixth house can now be shared with others. It also indicates that this sharing should be done generously and considerately — and that the consideration will largely be about their feelings. It is saying that all this great stuff you have and want to share should not only be right for you, it also needs to be right for them.
You’ll find that this may take you a little further time than you had anticipated. This is because it’s not just what you want to give but rather what you need to deliver! Given the positive nature of the trine, however, you’ll just need to pause and pace what you say and do for the benefit of whoever will be on the receiving end. All will then be well.
Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform is Carcer (34) in the second house (Sagittarius). There’s all this energy bursting around you. You’ve got all these great ideas and that everything seems to be clicking along on bright rails you know you are onto a winner. So why do others seem to be taking their time?
They probably aren’t. It’s likely that this is perfectly natural. It simply that this combination of your passionate ideas and all your driving energy are new to them.

And while you may feel impatient because everything is so obvious, their emotions still need to come to terms with the new situation you are proposing.
This may end up meaning that there is a little more work to do for you, but it’s likely that this is simply to nursemaid them.
And given your energy this week you can afford to be patient. You will see that any additional effort on your part is a labour of love. It’ll be well worth it.
Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.
Thank you.
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