Via in the 9th house (Scorpio) is a powerful placement indicating that this week you will have significant power to choose your journey. It means that in picking your journey you also get to pick the lessons you will get from it. More specifically still, the options you choose will more than likely live up to your expectations, so choose wisely.
There will probably be more opportunities for you this week than you see at first glance. Some opportunities might seem obvious while others are going to be more disguised. A tip here is to upend your perspectives as if you were on an upside-down swing. Deliberately try to look at things in other ways. But before you start on any particular path the second geome needs to be considered.
Carcer in the 4th house (Gemini) offers an interesting twist to all this. Whatever you take for granted might need to be rethought or, more accurately, re-interpreted in order to get the most out of it at some later point. What looked to be an easy opportunity can become more difficult, but still be achievable. The opportunity which was perhaps not obvious turns out to be quite easy to accomplish. So before you start, think the unthinkable. (This is part of Via’s ‘think through different perspectives’.)
Another aspect to this is that you can think about what was limiting or preventing your actions in the past. See if you haven’t now have got a way round them or new ways to deal with those obstacles. Perhaps someone’s position has softened with time. Time changes things, not least your skills in dealing with problems.
The Pars Luna is in the 8th house (Libra) and indicates that when it comes to important matters you should not hesitate. Obviously, you still need to think through important decisions and not commit too early. But conversely, when you have thought it through, decide and then go for it. Nothing more will be gained by waiting after you have decided.

Take control of your Destiny
The Active Transform this week is Conjunctio (1234) in the 11th house (Capricorn). Spread out your words and ideas. Share and connect with those of goodwill towards you.
Pick fertile soil in which to plant your thoughts and ideas in order to avoid wasting your time with too long explanations and justification. Pick the wisest advice which aligns with your goals.
Do more of what is working and learn how to grow into new areas.
There was one Rogue in the Casting: Carcer in the 11th house (Capricorn). Old ties bind tightly. With wisdom comes responsibility.
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