- Astrogem Casting for week commencing 3rd February 2014
Rubeus is again a feature of the casting this week. This time it is the eighth house, but now we have a completely different complexion on the thinking involved in your current situation. Last week the Flow was moving you to develop your own ideas and taking other people’s views into consideration. This week sees the need for further clarification of your own thinking and this clarification needs to be quite drastic!
The first geome out of the bag is Albus in the third house (Pisces). This is great for creative ideas particularly when thinking about your local problems and issues. It rejoices in providing not only creativity but also in giving you the feeling of certainty when those ideas are right (double taps on Level 2).
These ideas are going to come to you best if you take time out to relax and mull things over. Good ideas may come while you are asleep or just when you are focusing on something else (relaxing) – but not likely if you are stressed out and working. Your brain has been processing your current situation for a while now and it needs time to formulate the answer and to present it to you.
Over to them
Then we see the shift later in the week to Rubeus in the eighth house (Leo). Now we see you dealing with other people outside and working with their issues and problems. OK – there’s no point in being coy about this – you are going to have to do some serious clear out if you want to make progress. Some of their ideas are simply unworkable. In fairness, some of yours are too. So, the word to the wise therefore is not to be too dogmatic in your views, but be very clear in your actions.
What does that mean practically? If you see nonsense, call it that. If you are not sure of your ground, don’t speak.
Small things will have a habit of haunting you this week if you let them. They don’t have to though. If you decide to commit and make it work then you will be working with the Flow.
Forgive. . .
The best advice would be to be magnanimous this week. Gloss over small things and focus on the big picture. Get that framework right and other things will fall into place.
What you will find is that, again, people will keep throwing matters back to you: “Your idea is great! You deal with it”, or “Fine, good thinking. When can you let me have the results” or perhaps “Yes, in theory, but how are you going to make this happen?”
See what I mean about them throwing it back? See what I mean about not speaking unless you are sure?
Given that the two taps at Level 2 of Albus migrate to Level 3 of Rubeus you can be pretty sure, too, that people are going to want to see hard practical results from all the talk. That’s useful to you. The Flow is suggesting that one way to make them be more realistic is to get them to commit to just what it is that they want and expect. If this relates to a work situation for you, then try to get them to put it in writing. Putting it in writing is a great focuser of the mind.
Take control of your Destiny
Adding the geomes gives us the Active Transform Conjunctio (3) in the first house (Capricorn):
Conjunctio (3) is interesting here as you can see now which way the Flow is going and can therefore capitalise on it. In this case it is another indication that you are the one who is going to have to do most of the running.
In other words, you will be the one expected to change (first house) and have your outlook tempered by the harsh winds of practicality (Capricorn). That’s another reason why you need to have held your tongue this week! Words spoken in the heat of the moment could easily come back and you will be left with a lot of unpleasant chores if you’re not careful.
As there is a single new tap at Level 3 there will be questions you will be asking of yourself. Are you up to the challenge? How will you fit it all in? Can you do this?
The answer to all these questions is ‘Yes’. But it will take some time. Capricorn will not be rushed. Best thing for it is to hunker down and do the work. Slow but sure. Your consolation will be that you got off on the right foot by not overcommitting in the first place and not having to apologise (to them or yourself) for speaking without thinking.
You didn’t over commit or speak without thinking, did you?
Then you can thank your lucky geomes!
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Thank you Nik Taylor! He very kindly sent me a prototype of his geomantic ‘smart watch’:
This is great and I’ve been using it for instant readings in and about town. You can let the cubes rotate on their own for an instant Oracular opinion as to the current circumstances, or you can twizzle them round as you think of your question. Very useful!
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