Study And Practise

Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, September, 2018, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Puer + Populus → Puer (124)
Astrogem Casting for week commencing 16th September 2018

The Casting this week will put you in a position to practise… and to practise with a particular end in mind.

Puer in the fifth house (Capricorn) starts off the week with some strong desires. It’s likely you’ll feel a lot of energy and its placement in this Earth sign gives you control.

In fact, the one thing which stays constant throughout this week will be the control and determined use of your resources. In fact, ‘control’ will be the underlying theme of the week in one way or another.

Whilst this geome placement can sometimes be quite materialistic you are not afraid of hard work in getting what you want. Whether you’re looking for status, recognition or improved social circumstances you will be clear what you need to do to make it happen. Prepare to be physically and practically very active.

Feelings are likely to become increasingly intense as the week progresses. You are likely to become more immersed in your emotions in a positive way. This could easily mean that your sensuality is expressed in an earthy and practical way, too.

And just because you know very clearly and passionately what to do try not to be too hard on yourself in driving towards what you want.

Inside you will probably feel that you are very positive about your self-expression. You’ll want to get on with things and to take the first step. In order to make the most out of that ensure that you have to plan thoroughly. ‘Thoroughly’ does not mean ‘laboriously’, however. Plan enough to be practical and effective but don’t overthink things.

Plan for the future by setting realistic goals. And you can stay focused on what you need by avoiding the dramatic. You probably know who and what this means!

The Pars Martii is in the 12th house (Leo) indicating that you are likely to want to create. This urge to create is likely to be in a way that expresses what you feel deep down, something that you maybe have been suppressing for some reason. Do not be surprised therefore if what you manifest is different from what you expected, especially if it still ‘feels right’. You may have been suppressing what it is even from yourself.

It might seem like you’re visiting old ground in some areas this week, but that’s because something has yet to find its expression.

Populus in the fourth house (Sagittarius) then becomes an interesting development later in the week. While you do have a clear idea of your goals you will also have strong attachments and want to belong. Having such anchors combined with a strong need to move could produce tension. The way to resolve it will be to find broader space. Nothing lasts forever so take the current situation and allow it to develop as broadly as possible. Some things will peter out of their own accord and others will blossom.

The key to you will be to stay light on your feet and to adapt. Keep a light hand on the tiller of your ship and move serenely, if frequently. You’ll find it is good to feel the wind at your back and to develop freedom around you. It’s likely you’ll feel a strong need to do something, and you’ll want to do something new. Flow in this placement does not like routine.

To balance both belonging and freedom can be tricky, so here is how to resolve the forces: learn by teaching others. You’ll find that this will be satisfying in allowing you both to stay centred, to expand and to help develop yourself and others.


Take control of your Destiny


The Active Transform this week is Puer (124) in the third house (Scorpio). This placement is formidable! Placing yourself deeply in Flow can have tremendous rewards this week.

When you feel the urge to challenge, to want to test yourself and to provoke yourself and others, then do so… but do so cautiously.

There is tremendous power available here provided you wield it with wisdom. You will be prompted to speak your mind clearly and directly. If you do it correctly you will have a great deal of positive energy in communicating with others. However you should seek to make improvements, not simply to change things. Pushing matters too far could cut too deeply. It’s all about practise.


Astrogem, Geomancy, Geomantic, Divination, September, 2018, Horoscope, Astrogem Geomancy, Personal, Development, Productivity

Study and Practice, Ben White, Unsplash, (CC0)

Practise stimulating thought especially in others. Practise mainly on yourself.

This is a time when you can develop your mental processes and tools to enable you to cut to the core problems faster and better.

Don’t waste time arguing, just show how it should be done. Do things manually. Take care when driving — don’t let your head carry you away and don’t drive too quickly!

Practise letting the intensity of the energy take you deeper, rather than broader.

Look for and use the intensity.

This is the meaning of the Casting: PractiSe (repeated training) with a view to practiCe (applying the theory to do).


Sharing is loving — please spread the word of geomancy by sharing this casting with your friends and followers.

Thank you.


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